Chapter 9: "Deal?"

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Hoseok moaned loudly in surprise, and thrusted his hips up. Tears started to fall from his eyes as a sharp pain stung his body. "Shh, it's okay, baby." The guidance councilor whispered, giving a small hickey to the side of his neck. Hoseok was so terrified and shocked, his body began to find pleasure. Once the councilor began moving his finger in and out of him, Hoseok kicked his leg, and punched his face. He imagined Jimin trying to hurt Yoongi, and punched the guidance counselor in his temple, knocking him to the ground, and passing him out. Hoseok quickly pulled up his boxers and jeans, and ran out of the room.

He tripped and fell out of fear, and knocked into one of his teachers. "Hoseok?" His math teacher asked, looking at him. Concern and fear painted her face as she saw him bursting into tears. She noticed his jeans weren't buttoned, and tried helping him up. "Hoseok, why are you crying?" She asked him desperately. He tried to say 'councilor', but only studdered, and his teacher could see how much he was shaking. Even if he was bawling in tears, she could visually see him shaking. "Hoseok, what-" "Y-Yoongwi or Namjwoon." He cut her off, slipping into little space.

"What?" She asked. "I need you to get Min Yoongi right now, he's a Junior, and he's in his homeroom." Hoseok interrupted her, speaking so quickly and shakingly she could barely hear him. His math teacher quickly ran to the Junior part of the school, and searched every classroom for Yoongi. She saw a blonde boy sitting by himself in a classroom, and assumed it was him. "Are you Min Yoongi?" She asked desperately. Yoongi jumped at the unfamiliar voice, and looked at her. "Um, yes. Who are-" "Do you know a boy named Hoseok? He's a Sophomore." She asked. "Yes. Why-" "He's in the front hall, crying and begging for you." She told him. Yoongi instantly jumped up, and ran out of the classroom. He dashed to he front hall near the front of the school, and saw Hoseok crying his eyes out. "Hoseok!" Yoongi yelled for him, hugging him tight.

"Y-Yoongi, I c-can't go in l-little s-space at s-s-school." Hoseok managed to tell him. "We need to go to the bathroom, and I need you to call Namjoon right now." Hoseok told him quickly, squeezing Yoongis' shirt tightly. Yoongi was confused, but he led Hoseok to the boys' bathroom, and grabbed his phone from his pocket. "Here, I don't know how to-" "I c-can't operate m-my p-phone in l-little space." Hoseok cried. Yoongi sighed internally, and called Namjoon.

"Hoseok, I'm at work, and it's really busy. What do you-" "Hoseok's going in little space, and I don't know what to do." Yoongi told Namjoon, seeing Hoseok put his thumb in his mouth. "Is this Yoongi? F*cking- are you two at school or at home?" Namjoon questioned him. "We're at school, and it starts in 20 minutes." Yoongi responded as Hoseok clinged himself to Yoongi.

"Well, I can't talk right now, because I'm working. Tell him things that require something of an adult mind. Like, make him talk about school, or ask him about the homework he has. Remind him of his schedule, or any responsibilies he has." Namjoon told him.

"But-" "I have to go, Yoongi. Text me whatever you can, and make sure no one finds out he's a little, or sees him while he's in little space. Make sure no one goes near him except you. And don't do anything sexual towards him, and don't cuss, or say any bad words. Don't get mad at him, and don't raise your voice towards him." Namjoon told him before hanging up.

"Shi- frick. Hoseok, are you okay?"  Yoongi asked him softly. "I want mwy bwinkie!" Hoseok cried. Yoongis' heart exploded by the adorableness, but he knew he had to get Hoseok back soon. "What kind of chores do you have to do at home?" Yoongi questioned him. "I cwan't dwo anyfwing at hwome! I want mwy bwinkie!" Hoseok started throwing a fit. "Yes you can. You're strong, and healthy. You can do all sorts of things at home. Do you know what your mom and Nikko allow you to do?" Yoongi told him. "I want my bwinkie!" Hoseok pouted. 'At least I got him to stop crying.' Yoongi told himself.

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