Chapter 11: "It's Sunday."

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Yoongi and Hoseok blushed violently, and Yoongi jumped up off the bed. "I'm gonna go now." Yoongi told him, looking at him. Hoseok couldn't look him in his eyes, because he remembered his dream when he did. He turned onto his side, and buried his face in his pillow. "Won't bring this back up again." Yoongi told him, looking away from him. Hoseok nodded his head, not able to talk to him. Yoongi left awkwardly, and shut his bedroom door.

"F*cking sh*t b*tch a*s f*cker! Goddamnit, Yoongi! F*ck!" Yoongi whisper-yelled to himself, punching his pillow. "You f*cking did it again, you're so f*cking stupid!" He cursed at himself, punching his own arm. "You got way too f*cking close to him, you b*tch!" Yoongi cursed to himself as he punched his thigh.

Tears of hate for himself began to form, but he was so mad at himself, he wasn't going to let himself do it again. "Way too f*cking close, Min Yoongi, way too close!" He yelled at himself. He didn't care if anyone heard him or not, but he was so angry at himself. He pulled up his shorts, and cut a long line down his thigh.

Pain shot through his leg, but he wasn't going to allow himself to care. "You buried your ugly a*s face into him, clinged to his arm, and you f*cking sat in his f*cking lap again!" Yoongi insulted himself, cutting deeper in his thigh. "Every f*cking time." With every word, he dug across his leg. Blood streamed down his thigh, and traveled down his leg. He started to feel dizzy, but he wasn't going to let himself get away with what he did. "You layed on him, you got way too f*cking close to him, and you were such a b*tch to think you were okay sleeping on him!" Yoongi cried, cutting his thigh again.

There were at least 7 deep cuts that went all the way from his thigh to his kneecap, but there was too much blood to see it. Lisa woke up, and opened her brothers' door. "YOONGI!" She screamed loudly, running over to her brother. Sarah and Nikko dashed up the stairs, and looked in Yoongis' doorway. Yoongi managed to make another deep cut on his thigh before Lisa pulled his pocket knife away from him. "Oh my heavens! What happened?!" Sarah yelled, running to  Yoongis' side. Yoongi did nothing but cry, and punched his bleeding thigh.

"Yoongi, what happened?!" Lisa yelled at him, throwing his arm away from his leg. Nikko ran to the bathroom to get towels, and both Sarah and Lisa started crying lightly. "I-I'm s-such a f-f*cking b-b-b*tch." Yoongi mumbled to himself. Nikko ran into the room, and wrapped Yoongis' leg up in a towel. Yoongi tried to push everyone away from him, but his pain made him weak.

He tried unwrapping his thigh to let it bleed, but Sarah kept it on his leg. "S-stop! I-I deserve to b-bleed o-out!" Yoongi yelled at Sarah, trying to move her hand off the towel covering his thigh. "Min Yoongi, no you do not." Sarah looked him in his eyes. "YES I DO!" Yoongi screamed at her, shoving her hand off. He hit Nikko in his chest, and threw the towel off of his leg. He quickly snatched the knife back from Lisa, and cut his left arm. "YOONGI!" Lisa yelled at him, trying to take the knife back.

Hoseok dashed into the room at the screaming, and froze. He felt as if he was just hit by a truck, and he fell to the floor in shock. Yoongi was stronger than Lisa, and pushed her onto Sarah. He made a deep cut across the other cut on his left arm, creating a plus sign. Nikko grabbed the bloodly knife from Yoongi, and threw it onto the floor. "I-I d-don't-" Yoongi studdered as he passed out.

He was furious at himself when he woke up in the hospital. Yoongi looked at his arms, and saw IVs' inserted into his arms. He winced in pain as he yanked them out. He removed everything connecting him to the machines, and climbed out of bed. The heart machine began beeping, thinking he was coding, because it was detached. Yoongi instantly felt nauseous and dizzy, and fell onto the cold, white tiled floor.

Pain stung him like a wasp, and he felt sick to his stomach. The door shot open, and nurses ran in. They saw Yoongi on the floor, and picked him up. One nurse shut off the heart machine, and Yoongi was carefully placed back on the bed. "That's one way to say I'm awake." The nurse told Yoongi sarcastically. "Why didn't you just let me bleed out? I deserve to die." Yoongi looked the nurse in her eyes. "Because we don't let anyone die in this hospital." She told him seriously.

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