Chapter 13: "I'm so sorry."

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Hoseok and Lisa headed into the main office to distract them, while Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi headed to the guidance counselors' office. "I can't believe I'm actually about to do this." Namjoon laughed excitedly. "We could go to jail, Namjoon." Jin told him worriedly. "No we won't. It'll be fine." Namjoon assured him. "But-""It'll be okay." Namjoon looked Jin in his eyes softly. "Okay, whatever. Have fun." Jin laughed. "Oh, we will."  Namjoon laughed. "It's at the end of the hall." Yoongi told them. He could see Namjoon bawling  his fists. "Why are you so protective of him?" Yoongi asked Namjoon. "Reasons in which I'm hoping Hoseok will eventually tell you." Namjoon answered. 

"So you want to mess with my younger brother, b*tch?" Namjoon asked, barging into the guidance counselors' office. "Excuse me, but who are you? School is-" "Yeah, I used to go here. I know what time it closes." Namjoon lied. "Who-" Namjoon didn't let the counselor finish, and punched him in his face. "What the-" "F*cking pedophile! Why the f*ck would you do that to someone?!" Namjoon yelled in his face. "I don't-" Namjoon threw the counselor into the wall, and punched him in his mouth. "You f*cking b*tch!" He yelled, slamming him against the wall again. 

Yoongi came up behind Namjoon, and punched the counselor in his throat. Namjoon grabbed the guidance counselor by the collar of his shirt, and kneed him in his dick. The counselor yelped in pain, and punched Namjoon in his temple. "Oh hell to the f*cking no, b*tch." Jin cursed. Namjoon stumbled back, and Jin shoved Yoongi out of the way. "YOU F*CKING B*TCH A*S SH*T F*CKER!" Jin screamed at the counselor, and threw him on the floor. He climbed on top of him, and punched him in his nose. Blood began to gush out of his nose, and Jin knew he just broke it. "YOU DON'T LIKE THAT EITHER, DO YOU B*TCH?!" Jin yelled, punching his jaw. 

Yoongi and Namjoon watched in shock as Jin beat the sh*t  out of the guidance counselor. Blood dripped from his mouth, and gushed from his broken nose. He had a black-eye, and a big purple bruise covered his cheek bone. "YOU F*CKING B*TCH YOU DON'T TOUCH ANY OTHER F*CKING PERSON THAN ME! IF YOU'RE SO STRONG, FIGHT ME MOTHER F*CKER!" Jin screamed as he hit the counselor in his temple. 

The guidance counselor couldn't move underneath of Jin, and he was sitting on his chest, so it was already difficult for him to breathe. Jins' hand looked bruised, but it seemed as if he could care less. "You, f*cking, b*tch, a*s, sh*t." Jin continued to punch him with every word, and punched his throat. The counselor coughed up blood as he passed out. "F*ck you." Jin told him, knowing he was passed out. He got off of him, and stood up. "I'm kinda scared." Namjoon lightly laughed. "If I killed him, I'll see you guys in jail." Jin breathed out. 

"I hope to f*ck you didn't kill him. I wanted to beat the sh*t out of him." Namjoon whined. "Shut up." Jin laughed. "We'll just say I accidentally threw him into the wall a little too hard." He told them. "I can't believe my perfect, innocent, little angel did that." Namjoon joked. "I broke his nose for Hoseok, and made him cough up blood for you!" Jin smiled innocently. "Interesting." Yoongi laughed. "We should probably go now." He added. "Yeah, we probably should." Namjoon agreed. Jin set the counselor against the wall, and they quickly left. "Doesn't your hand hurt?" Yoongi asked. "No, not really." Jin laughed. 

"I'm so very sorry, Hoseok. I appreciate you telling us. I guarantee he won't be at this school much longer." The principal spoke softly to him. Lisa comforted Hoseok as he cried, and the 3 others returned. "I'm his older brother. He didn't tell me much, but I hope the guidance counselor learns his lesson." Namjoon told them, sitting next to Hoseok. "He will, I can guarantee." Their principal looked up to Namjoon. "Min Yoongi, do you-" "No, I don't know much." Yoongi interrupted her. "I'm so sorry, Hoseok." She repeated, putting her hand on Hoseoks' shaking shoulder. 

3 hours later, the 5 left the school. "I couldn't actually tell if you were really crying, or fake crying." Lisa joked. "Of course I was actually crying, Lisa. I didn't lie about anything, and you should know." Hoseok told her as they all got in the car. "Oh...I'm sorry." Lisa apologized. "Did you beat up the f*cking guidance counselor?" Hoseok asked, changing the subject. "Actually, about that-" "Jin punched the f*ck out of him. He broke his nose, and we left him coughing up blood." Namjoon explained. "Wait, really?" Hoseok laughed. "Yep. Surprised me too." Namjoon laughed. 

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