Chapter 8: "Where's Hoseok?"

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Yoongi was completely frozen, Hoseoks' face was completly red from blushing, and Lisa was shocked, yet she was laughing. "I have the ultimate hip power!" She laughed. Hoseok instantly got off of Yoongi, and stood up. "Yeah, you knocked me over onto Yoongi!" He looked at Lisa, and started to laugh as well. "I'm gonna change and go to sleep." Yoongi told them as he stood up. "Me too. See you guys in the morning!" Lisa smiled at them both, and went to her room. "Good night, Yoongi!" Hoseok smiled at him before leaving. As soon as they both left, Yoongi shut his door, and locked it. He sat down on the floor, relaxed himself against the door, put his head in his hands, and cried.

Yoongi cried for hours, and didn't sleep at all. The whole night, he switched from crying, to laying on the floor and hating himself, then back to crying. He didn't change out of his clothes, lay on his bed, or unpack anything. He sat against his door the entire night, and the anger in himself kept him awake.

Once he saw the sunlight beginning to beam into his room, he realized it was 6 in the morning. The farthest he went in his room, was to charge his phone, and grab his backpack. He held it against his chest, and stared at the wall. 'How could I do this to myself.' was all he thought.

"Yoongi? Are you awake?" Lisa asked, gently knocking on his door. She knocked again when he didn't answer.  "Why did you lock your door?" She questioned. "Is he up?" Hoseoks' voice was heard. "I don't know, he locked his door." Lisa sighed. "Then he's probably changing. My mom's probably making breakfast. Come on!" Hoseok led Lisa down stairs to the kitchen. Hesitantly, Yoongi stood up, and changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. He took a deep breath before going down stairs.

"Good morning, Yoongi! Hope you like waffles." Sarah smiled at him as she set a plate of waffles at the table. "Did you sleep at all? You look terrible." Hoseok looked in his eyes worriedly. "Yeah, you look exhausted." Lisa agreed. "No, I slept all night. Best sleep ever." Yoongi fake laughed. "I'll go take a shower first." He nodded at them as he went back upstairs, and took a shower. "I haven't had waffles in forever." Lisa laughed, sitting next to Nikko at the table.

Yoongi figured out how to work the shower, and looked at himself in the mirror. "I really do look terrible." He laughed to himself. He slipped his shirt off, turned around, and looked at his back in the mirror. His whole back was now a slight purple, and bruises covered his shoulders. Yoongi sighed sadly as he looked at the rest of himself in the mirror. "No wonder mom and dad hurt me. I look like a potato." He ran his hand over his stomach, feeling just the slightest bit of fat. He was slim, but not as slim as he wanted to be. "Whatever." He told himself as he stepped into the shower.

About half an hour later, Yoongi walked back downstairs to have breakfast. "We should leave at 7." Hoseok suggested, finishing his waffles. "What are we supposed to do for 45 minutes?" Lisa asked, rinsing her plate off in the sink. "Make sure we're ready. Like check our  homework, then maybe have a dance party." Hoseok laughed. "That sounds like fun." Yoongi laughed, sitting across from Hoseok. "But I don't want to be late." He added. "We won't be late." Hoseok reassured him. "I'll see you guys later." Yoongi told them as he headed towards the door.

"You're not gonna eat your breakfast?" Sarah asked him. "I'll have it for dinner." Yoongi smiled at her as he left. "He doesn't like to be late." Lisa told them. "No one does." Nikko laughed.

Yoongi walked to school by himself, thinking of ways to escape whatever he was stuck in. He kept telling himself he was straight, and that he would be okay. His mind thought those things, but his eyes said other things. They said he was fat and overweight, and ugly. They said Hoseok was a work of art, and his heart was too fragile to break. Yoongi didn't know what feelings he had for him, but he knew he couldn't have any. No feelings towards anybody was his only rule.

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