Chapter 19: "Got 'em."

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The next few hours were a complete blur to both Yoongi and Lisa, and they didn't appear at school, for they needed to be questioned by the police. Their patients were declared dead by the paramedics that were called along with the police. They didn't have anyone other than their parent's, for they both were only children, and their parent's died of liver failure. Yoongi had no idea what was going to happen, but he knew for a fact he was not going to a foster family or some crap. He wasn't gonna allow it in any shape, way, or form. 

Lisa was slightly traumatized at the sight of their dead parent's, and the sight was incarved in her head. She had no idea what was going to happen, and she had no idea what this would do to her brother. Her heart hurt from all of the comments her mother had said about her brother, and she felt bad for him. She didn't know if he would hurt himself again, be depressed, or worse. What if he ran away and she never saw him again? What if he went mute or something crazy like that? That last thought made her stomach turn. 

Yoongi couldn't really tell the police much, because him himself didn't really know what had happened the night before. He told them as much as he could, and considering they didn't have any grandparents, the police told him they were going to have to go to a foster home. They were sat in front of a desk at the police station, and a higher-up police officer sat behind the desk. 

"No." Yoongi simply told them, crossing his arms as he did so. "We have an aunt and uncle." Lisa lied. "There's no one on here, so I know that's a lie. I promise you will be put in a safe environment." The policeman told Lisa, looking down at the file he held in his hand. 

"We just found out, so they weren't put on our emergency card. We just came back from visiting them for a month-" "Stop, Lisa." Yoongi interrupted her, knowing where she was going. "If you tell them Hoseoks' parent's are our aunt and uncle, that makes us related to him. I'm not interested in incest." He whispered quietly to her, making sure no one else heard him. "I'm gonna throw up again. I hate that word, don't ever say that again." Lisa whispered back to him, cringing harshly. 

"Well, they aren't on here, so they can't be your guardians. You'll-" "Sir, they were like our aunt and uncle. They were best friends with our parents. We stayed with them when our parent's were in jail. They practically already have guardianship over us." Yoongi told the police officer. "Yoongi, I understand this is a big step. But unless they're on this paper," The police officer paused to pick up a light pink piece of paper. "They won't be watching over-" "If we go to a foster home, those people aren't on the piece of paper, so why can we stay with them and not people we know?" Yoongi spoke smartly, surprising Lisa with his smart tone. 

The police officer was silent, and the two stared into each other's eyes for a while. Yoongi did his best not to laugh when he knew the officer didn't know what to say. "Just let them have guardianship, and we'll be good. We know them, they know us, our parent's knew each other, it's one big happy family." Yoongi smiled innocently. Lisa laughed once, and quickly wiped the smile off her face. "We don't have proof that your parent's-" "Oh, you want proof now? How 'bout we go to their house, and if they recognize us, we stay with them. If not, you can take my sister and I to a foster family." Yoongi compromised. 

"No. We can't do that. I know you don't want to, but that's the law-" "The law? Ha. You can't make me do anything I don't want to." Yoongi fake laughed. "You're a minor. You don't really have the right to make that call." The police officer told him, raising his eyebrows at him. "Sh*t." Yoongi pouted, looking at the floor. There was a moment of silence, and Lisa was about to say something when Yoongi interrupted her. 

"Oh, come on! They're practically family! If we have someone other than our parent's, then we go to them. That's what I was told, so that's what I believe. I won't move until you say yes." Yoongi told him, adjusting himself in the chair he was in to be firm. "Yoongi-" "I don't see what the problem is, anyway, so why can't they have guardianship?" Yoongi looked at him with confusion, even though he knew exactly what he was saying. "Because you're parent's-" "Are dead, so what?" Yoongi interrupted him. "Oppa, quit interrupting him." Lisa lightly hit her brother. 

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