Chapter 17: "Yoongi?"

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Hoseok opened his eyes, and smiled to himself when he remembered what happened the night before. He rolled onto his right side, going to hug his boyfriend, but was confused when he lay alone. Yoongi wasn't against his chest, or next to him. He sat up, and found Yoongi hugging himself in a corner of his room against a wall. He was fully dressed, and a big blanket covered everything but his head. "Yoongi?" Hoseok spoke up, rubbing his eyes to wake up more. He quickly went over to him when he heard him crying. "Hey, what's-" "Don't touch me!" Yoongi flinched when Hoseok put his hand on his knee. 

"Are you okay? It's almost 9." Hoseok informed him. "Don't touch me." Yoongi repeated. "Did I do something last night-" "Don't." Yoongi cut him off as he made himself stop crying. Hoseok watched in confusion as Yoongi stood up, and left his room. He looked down at where Yoongi was sitting, and spotted his binkie. "What was he-" Hoseok cut himself off, reviewing last night. He didn't remember ever seeing Yoongi uncomfortable or uneasy, or any signs of him not enjoying himself. Wanting an explanation, he grabbed his binkie, and went into the hallway. 

-in Lisas' room-

"So, you were insecure about last night, and wished it never happened, yet you loved it? I'm confused. What happened last night?" Lisa looked at her shaking older brother cuddling his knees on her bed. "Hoseok saw me naked, and he f*cked me, but he saw everything, and I wish he didn't." Yoongi explained. "What?!" Lisa yelled in surprise. "Because he saw all my cuts, and my abs, and everything." Yoongi told her. "Wait, back lost your virginity to my best friend?!" Lisa shouted. Yoongi nodded his head, and pulled his blanket up to his neck. 

"Well holy sh*t." Lisa cursed sarcastically, laughing lightly. "I regret it, because he saw everything, and it kinda hurts." Yoongi told her. "What hurts?" Lisa questioned him. "Between my f*cking legs, idiot." He answered. "Didn't need to know that- so what's the problem here?" Lisa asked. "Listen here, pabo. When you get f*cked, you're probably gonna moan that persons' name, plus say some pretty stupid things, and as a bonus, they get to see your entire body. It also hurts a bit-" I don't need to know everything! When you say it like that, you make it sound embarrassing." Lisa interrupted him. 

"You asked what the problem was. I was giving you the answer. With that being said, I'm already insecure as f*ck about my f*cking arms, so imagine how insecure I was the entire time." Yoongi explained. "I don't think I want to imagine anything." Lisa laughed. "So then, why didn't you tell him no, or to stop?" She questioned. "Because it's the best f*cking feeling in the whole word of feelings. Plus, depending on your partners' dominance level, it might be the best orgasm ever if you have to wait-" "Okay, stop! I'm done! This conversation is over!" Lisa joked. 

"But-" "You're parent's are here." Hoseok busted into Lisas' room. "What?" Lisa shot up, and ran downstairs with Hoseok. Yoongi felt his anxiety building up, and that odd, yet comforting, feeling returned. He felt reality slip away from him, and completely zoned out. 

Lisa almost tripped down the stairs running so fast. She froze when she made eye-contact with her mother. "Lisa..." Her mother teared up. "Where's Yoongi? Is he okay?" Her father anxiously asked her. "I-I-" "They got released early, and are officially a month sober. We're here to take you all back home." A police officer explained beside the front door. 

"W-what?" Lisa started shaking, and Hoseok realized this was the first time he saw her shake. "Go get Yoongi, honey." Sarah instructed Hoseok. Hoseok nodded, and went upstairs to tell Yoongi. He didn't find Yoongi in Lisa or his room, so he went into his own room. He found his Corgi stuffed animal missing, and saw a yellow crayon by his bed. He looked to his left, and found Yoongi coloring in one of his coloring book's. He was laying on his stomach, and swung his feet back and forth in the air. 

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