Chapter 7: "Kinda."

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Yoongi winced in pain at the beginning of his bath, but it eventually calmed him down. He knew he wasn't going to take long, but it relaxed him so much. His muscles relaxed as he took a deep breath. He washed himself off, and his back started to feel better. Although it did, it still hurt like crap. Once he finished up, he cautiously opened the bathroom door, and Lisa stood up. "I was guarding the door for you. Do you feel better?" She asked sadly. "Kinda. Yeah, actually." Yoongi smiled at her. "Now go clean up that cut on your cheek." He instructed her. She laughed, and followed his instructions.

Yoongi dragged himself to his room,  and layed on his bed. He had no idea where his parents were at, but as long as they weren't around him, he didn't care. He made sure his alarm clock was on, and looked at his scool bag. He groaned, grabbed his books from his bag, and began working on his homework from 2 days ago. Once he completed everything, he saw Lisa standing in his doorway. "You alright?" He asked. "I'm worried about you. I don't want you to go suicidal or anything." Lisa sighed, looking down at her feet.

"Lisa, I would never do anything crazy like that. I don't understand why people would want to die. Just suck it up, and deal with it, right?" Yoongi joked. "It's not funny, oppa. You don't joke about that stuff." She told him seriously. "Okay, I'm sorry. I won't do anything like that, ever. I tell you everything." Yoongi smiled up at her. He motioned for a hug, and Lisa hugged her older brother. "Not everything." She mumbled. "What have I not told you?" Yoongi questioned her.

"When you went missing for 2 days, the fact that you like Hoseok, and the fact he constantly replays in your head." She mumbled against his shoulder. "I don't like Hoseok, Lisa. I don't want him in my life at all. And how do you-" "I saw you cut your arm the other day. You were yelling at Hoseok, and telling him to go away. Once I saw you realize what you did, I ran back to my room to try and make it seem like I didn't see anything. That's why I'm worried about you." Lisa interrupted him.

Yoongi was partially upset his sister was spying on him, but he was sad she was worried for him. "I'm sorry you saw me do that. I didn't know what else to do, and it helped him go away. I won't do it again. I promise on the contract." Yoongi promised, pulling their hug apart. "That's a big promise." She joked. "Exactly why I promise on it. Because I mean it." Yoongi smiled at her. Lisa nodded as she smiled, and went back to her room. Before he knew it, Yoongi floped on his bed, and fell asleep.

Once his alarm went off, he quickly shut it off, and grabbed his phone off its' charger. He changed into his black jeans, and slipped on a white shirt. He slid his homework into his backpack, and went to Lisas' room. "Wake up. We have to get to school." He gently shook her awake. "Okay okay." Lisa yawned, turning over to face her brother.

He slid his backpack over his shoulders, and winced in pain. Of course his back would be sensitive for a few days. Yoongi waited outside of her room, and they quietly traveled downstairs together. Lisa grabbed them each a granola bar since their parents didn't seem to be awake yet.

They did their chores as quietly as they could, trying not to wake up their parents. Once they finished up, they hurried out of the house, and headed towards school. "Their car isn't here." Yoongi told his sister, seeing an empty driveway. "No rush to get to school then." Lisa said happily. They looked into each others eyes for a moment, and both of them smiled as they ran back inside.

For the first time in a really long time, they managed to make and eat a good breakfast. Although it was only cereal, they some times had time for breakfast, so they never had time for cereal. They both were smiling happily, enjoying the still, quiet house.  Once both of them finished, they decided to do some other things they never had time for. For example, Yoongi put on some music, and they had a dance party. Lisa drew a garden on a piece of paper, and colored it beautifully.

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