Chapter 6: "And Hoseok wins!"

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Hoseok got more worried when he didn't find Lisa and Yoongi in the cafeteria. He looked all over, and scanned every person. He searched the library, the guys' bathroom for Yoongi, and even different classrooms for them. He spent his whole lunch looking for the two, but he wasn't able to find either one of them. Again, neither one of them responded to his texts or calls. He continously checked his phone for messages, calls, voicemail's, or anything from them, but there was always nothing. "Hoseok?" A teacher stopped him in one of the Junior classrooms. He turned around to be faced with his reading teacher. "Yes ma'am?" He looked up at her. "What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be at lunch." She told him. "I know. I'm looking for my friends." Hoseok explained. "They're probably at lunch, Hoseok. Get back to the cafeteria." She told him as she moved out of the way of the doorway. Hoseok nodded as he left the classroom.

He traveled back to the cafeteria, and was met with Jimin and Jungkook. "Why did you take that punch away from Yoongi? I was supposed to knock him out." Jimin glared at Hoseok. "Because you need to f*ck off and leave people alone." Hoseok told him. "Aww, are you protecting your boyfriend?" Jungkook teased as Jimin and him walked closer to him. "He's not my f*cking boyfriend, Jungcock. F*ck off." Hoseok shoved Jungkook out of the way as he went into the cafeteria. Jimin grabbed Hoseok by the back of his shirt, and pulled him back. "Don't call my friend that, you little b*tch." He stared at him. Hoseok smiled innocently at him. "Sorry Mr. Park." He told him. "What?" Jimin was confused. "Nothing, it's an inside joke." Hoseok lied before he punched Jimin in his jaw. Due to his confusion, he wasn't expecting it, and Jimin fell straight to the floor. "F*ck." Jimin whispered under his breath as he wiped a little blood from his lip. Hoseok saw Jungkook charging at him, but he grabbed his wrist, and twisted Jungkooks' arm. "Don't even f*cking think about it." Hoseok stared into Jungkooks' eyes. He let go of him, and looked down at Jimin. "Don't speak about Yoongi-" "You don't even know him. You're just an annoying little Sophomore who isn't even in the same grade as him." Jimin interrupted him as he stood up. "At least I'm stronger than the biggest b*tch in the school. Which is you, by the way." Hoseok smiled at Jungkook. "You're not stronger than him." Jimin scoffed. "Alright, bet. Meet me behind the school in the basketball court after last class." Hoseok looked at Jimin, then back at Jungkook. Before any of them responded, Hoseok walked happily back into the cafeteria.

"Hoseok, please pay attention." His reading teacher sighed. "I-I'm sorry, m-may I use the r-restroom?" Hoseok looked up at her with a red face. She was concerned, but gave him approval as he ran out of the classroom. He didn't even reach the restroom before he got on his phone. "Put the phone away!" The male school counselor scolded him. He jumped, and shoved his phone into his pocket. "S-sorry." He told him as he ran to the restroom. Instantly, he grabbed his phone back out. He texted a certain person before calling them, and put his phone on speaker.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school, Hoseok?" Namjoon asked him frantically. "Yes, t-that's the pwoblem." Hoseok responded, shaking like a leaf. "What's your homework for every class you have?" Namjoon asked him, trying to distract him. "U-um, I-I dwon't know." Hoseok shut his eyes tight, trying to stay in reality. "Hoseok. What subjects do you have? Do you have Biology? The study of life, and land? All the organisms in the dirt, and the cycle of life." Namjoon told him firmly, trying to help him. "Y-yeah, t-the humans are the t-top of the food chain, and dwa- the. The, the, the- f*ck." Hoseok corrected himself. "Hoseok, take a breath. You can't slip into little space at school without someone there with you 24/7. Take a breath, and calm down." Namjoon softly advised him.

He heard him take a deep breath, and shakingly let it out. "Now, tell me your 12 time-tables." Namjoon requested. "12 times 6 is 72, I think." Hoseok spoke with uncertainty. "That's right. What's 12 times 10?" Namjoon asked him. There was a short pause for a second. "Hoseok, what's 12 times 10?" He repeated. "120." Hoseok answered as he breathed out. "Okay. Do you know 13 times 4?" Namjoon questioned. "I don't f*cking know 13 times-tables!" Hoseok sighed, taking another breath. "Sworry- sorry, I didn't mean to curse." He added. "It's fine. You do what you need to do. If you don't know your 13's, do it in your head. 13 times 4." Namjoon repeated. "Umm, 52?" He answered. "Yes. If that's that, what's-" "Shut up, give me a minute." Hoseok cut him off, taking another breath as he kept his eyes shut tight.

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