Chapter 15: "You didn't have to run here."

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"I am not too short!" Lisa protested, still with tears in her eyes. "You could be." Yoongi joked.  "You're shorter than me." He laughed lightly. "Only, like, 2 inches!"  Lisa pouted, gently punching her brothers' shoulder. "Ow." Yoongi looked at her sarcastically. "I'm so incredibly happy you are okay, Yoongi. We were really frightened for a moment." Sarah told him, leaning her head on Nikkos' shoulder. "Yeah. I have no idea what happened really. Now that I look back, it sounds like a horror movie." Yoongi joked, trying to remember everything. "Well, what exactly happened?" Hoseok asked him as he sat next to Yoongi on his hospital bed. 

"Well, right after we split off, I was getting my stuff when the light at the end of the hall turned off. I didn't care because the school's old, and so what? Anyway, as I shut my locker, all the lights in the hallway turned out. Like, it was pitch black." Yoongi explained, sitting up. Lisa sat at the end of Yoongis' bed, and looked at him with concern. "Since Jungkook was supposedly back today, I assumed it was him playing  jokes on me, but it wasn't him." He added. 

"My eyes weren't even adjusted to the darkness before I was slammed into a locker, which really hurt, actually. Like, the force was really strong. Anyway, next thing I know, it's well-below 25 degrees,  and it was f*cking freezing down there." Yoongi cursed. "I don't know why it was so cold, but it got extremely cold extremely quickly. And I remember my shirt got ripped, magically,  and something cut down my back. I knew it wasn't an animal, because the entire hallway was silent, and there wasn't any growling or anything." He told them. "Then all these cuts started forming, and it was like someone had a knife and was slicing my skin." He explained darkly. 

"When my eyes did finally f*cking adjust to the stupid dark, I saw someone staring at me. It wasn't Jungkook or Jimin, definitely. It looked more demonic and spiritual rather than a person, actually. They were like, right in front of my face." Yoongi described, remembering how the face they saw from the woods was standing in front of him. "I knew it was in the negatives, because I could see my breath when I breathed out, and my whole body was shaking from the cold." He added. 

"Then a long line was cut across my shoulders, and I suddenly couldn't feel my legs. When Jimin came down, he yelled for my name, but whoever was in front of me,  made a cut near the bottom of  my throat. I'm guessing he was going to slit my throat,  but Jimin scared him." Yoongi laughed lightly. "When Jimin started coming towards me, the person quite literally vanished, and the lights flicked on all at once. It was like magic, because the whole hallway was instantly filled with heat, and it felt normal." He explained. 

"I honestly probably would've passed out if Jimin wasn't there. All I know is that it was f*cking freezing." Yoongi laughed. "That's all I remember." He added. "That's creepy." Lisa pretended to shiver. "Listen here, I've never been so f*cking cold in my whole 16 years of being on this earth." Yoongi laughed. "That is really questionable. Maybe the school can check its' security cameras's  and see who did all that stuff." Nikko suggested. "Probably not. They could care less." Yoongi joked. "They seemed to care enough to fire the school guidance counselor. He's apparently in jail for 4 years." Lisa told them. "Oh my, I wonder what he did." Sarah slightly gasped. 

"He sexually assaulted a student, and tried to rape him. We're not getting a new one until next year."  Lisa explained. Hoseok glared at Lisa, making her look down.  "Well, I certainly hope that student is alright. I'd sue the counselor if he touched any of you." Sarah spoke defensively. Hoseok looked down, and Yoongi bit his lip. Knowing his sister, the topic needed to change before she blurted out anything she wasn't supposed to. "I wish you weren't stuck in this hospital for 2 days. It's- omg I just realized something!" Lisa gasped. "What, what is it?" Hoseok looked up to her.  

"Lisa, no. Don't say it."  Yoongi looked Lisa in her eyes deeply. "Today's Yoongis' birthday!"  Lisa blurted out. Yoongi groaned, and threw a pillow at her.  "Omg it is?!" Hoseok asked excitedly. "Omg you died on your birthday." He laughed. "Haha very funny." Yoongi laughed sarcastically. "It is very funny." Hoseok laughed.  "One more year until I'm 18 and moving out though." Yoongi celebrated quietly. "Yay- wait what." Hosoeks' smile faded as he looked at Yoongi. "As soon as I'm 18, I'm waking Lisa up at 3 in the f*cking morning, and we're  movin' out!" Yoongi laughed. "You gonna move away without me?!" Hoseok pouted.  "I mean, you weren't in the original plan, so n-" "We'd never leave you, hyung." Lisa laughed as she hugged Hoseok, and gave her brother a death stare. 

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