Chapter 21: "You did good."

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Yoongi panted breathlessly as Jungkook stood up, and Jimin was feeling completely useless shielding himself behind Yoongi. "Just leave him alone!" He yelled at Jungkook, who looked like he wanted to snap his neck. "This doesn't concern you, Yoongi. Step out of my way, and let me do what I need to do, and you won't be hurt." Jungkook spoke darkly, staring at Yoongi in his eyes. "I've never met such a liar in my life. I'm not moving." Yoongi told him. Jimins' head pounded in pain, and held his head to try and relieve it. He jumped back when Jungkook charged at Yoongi, slamming him completely into the locker next to him. 

"You're weaker than that disgusting fagot! I was expecting more of a fight from you, Yoongi." Jungkook smirked as Yoongi fell to the floor. Jimin spotted dark red blood on his hands, and knew it was from his head. "Just kill me already, Jungkook! Quit being such a scaredy cat, and just take me! I'm the one you want, so just F*CKING TAKE ME!" He yelled at Jungkook who stood over him. "Gladly." 

With all of the strength left in Yoongi, he reached up, and pulled on Jungkook's leg as Jimin spat out blood when Jungkook threw his head against the locker again. Jungkook kicked Yoongi in his neck, leaving a deep red footprint on his neck. Yoongi swallowed the blood that formed in his mouth, and was completely determined to save Jimin. Jungkook grabbed Jimin by his hair, and threw him onto the floor, right next to Yoongi. With most of his strength, he dug his steel-toed boot into Jimins' ribcage, while punching his jaw once more. Jimin let out a scream that echoed all throughout the hall, bouncing off all 4 walls. 

Yoongi pushed Jungkook onto the floor, and climbed on top of him. He plunged his fist into his mouth, while holding his head down with his other hand wrapped around his neck. Jungkook growled in pain, and looked up right at Yoongi in his eyes. "This is between me and the hideous creature. Don't get stuck in a crossfire." He told him as he shoved him off of him, pushing his head against the floor. Yoongis' vision blurred everything into a light red, making it extremely difficult to see Jungkook's figure, let alone his face to punch.

He heard Jungkook punch Jimin again, only, nothing else followed. No scream, no yelp, and no cries. 

"JEON JEONGGUK GET OFF OF HIM RIGHT NOW!" The principals' voice was heard at the end of the hall. Loud, heavy footsteps echoed down the hall, and Jungkook was yanked off of Jimin. "Jimin, can you see me?" Yoongis' teachers' voice was heard, hoisting up Jimin so he was sitting up. Yoongi barely saw Jimin drop lifelessly down next to the teacher, and fear pumped more adrenaline through his veins. "Jimin, are you okay?" He spoke frantically, rushing to Jimins' side. His vision cleared a bit, and saw blood. 

There was a puddle of dark red blood where Jimins' head recently was rested, and as the teacher sat him up again, blood dripped from his head onto her uniform. Blood was smudged on the three dark blue lockers, along with on the floor.  "Jeon Jungkook, you are now hear-by expelled from Apgujeong High School! Don't even worry about grabbing your things, your parent's are picking you up this instant!" The principal lightly yelled at Jungkook as she practically dragged him to the office by his arm. The nurse rushed down the stairs with a first-aid kit, and rushed over to the fight scene. 

"He might have a concussion, he needs to go to the hospital asap. Call an ambulance for him." She announced as she tried to stop Jimins' head from bleeding. "Actually, a concussion would be a relief." She added as she inspected the bleed from his skull. One of the teacher's called an ambulance, and the nurse instructed the other teacher to hold the gauze on the bleed as she went to Yoongis' side. "Yoongi, can you follow my finger with your eyes?" She asked, placing her finger infront of his face. "No, I'm fine, Jimin's worse, take care of him first." Yoongi told the nurse as he pushed her hand away from his face. 

"Yoongi, Jimin will be alright for now. I need you to-" "No! I'll let you check me out when I know for a fact that Jimin's okay!" Yoongi interrupted the nurse, looking her in her eyes. "Yoongi, you could have blood behind your eyes, because there's blood seeping out of them. I need you to follow my finger with your eyes." She explained to him, replacing her finger in front of his face. Yoongi whimpered in a sharp pain as he tried to follow her finger from left to right. 

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