Realization ch2

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Welcome to chapter two of the revised series! Hope you enjoy!

Btw chapter names are gonna be mostly the same along with some of the base text! Reading this back makes me cringe so much though oh my god.


After snapping out of whatever mood he had gotten himself in, he stood up and realized that something was very, very wrong. Though he didn't exactly know what was happening, he knew it wasn't good.

Since he obviously couldn't get back into the building, no less his apartment, he needed to find a way to get in contact with Yoko.

He tried to find a phone booth but for some reason, there were none around.

'I'm pretty sure there were some around here..' He thought to himself as we walked down the block.

After walking around for a while, he gave up and looked around at the people around him.

There were people on these thin, brick-like things. It was very strange! It was kind of like they were talking on baby televisions!
Thought he was very curious in what the hell they were, he didn't feel like talking to anyone so he let it go. That's a problem for another day.

He had nothing else to do besides wallow in self pity  but he decided he could find something to do. He couldn't go home and it wasn't the right day to go to the studio so he decided he would go on a nice walk through Central Park.


Normally, a walk to Central Park would clear his mind but I guess today wasn't the day for that.

John had a lot to think about from "were those people holding baby televisions?" To "why won't they let me in my building?"

It wasn't till he reached his favorite tree, which had seemed to grow much bigger from the last time he was there, that he decided to think about happier things.

He went back to thinking about his Beatles days. He missed Paul dearly and definitely wanted to check up at this point.

When everything was fixed and sorted out, he was definitely going to call the rest of the fab four so they could discuss a reunion. Ringo would definitely want to work together again, they had worked together just a few years ago, and they met up only a few months ago at some award show that John had already forgottenthe name of. George had been willing to work with him a long time ago, yet John wasn't sure if that was only because he was mad at Paul. They had only just worked on "How do you sleep?".

The only thing that John was worried about was Paul. Though they had been getting friendly with eachother, would they be able to work with eachother again? With everything that had been going on, John wasn't completely sure if the other Beatles would even want to work with them!

With a sore shoulder and a damaged ego, he finally got up from under the tall oak tree and started to stroll throughout the park

As he walked through the park, he realized that a bunch of people were crowding around some type of monument.

He walked up to an older gentleman and asked what all the commotion was about.

"Oh! It's the 40th anniversary of John Lennon's death. Say.. you look an awful amount like him.." The kind man said with a polite smile on his face.

John walked away, not caring for this stupid prank that everyone seemed to be pulling.

'I'm standing right here! I'm alive! What are these buffoons on about?' He thought to himself.

'C'mon Lennon.. what's going on? It looks like we're in the future of something but that's impossible!'
John thought to himself again while he looked for a newspaper.

It took about a while, but he finally found one! He checked for a date.

-John Lennon's 40th death anniversary! Paul McCartney recalls his Beatles days with his old writing partner-

December 9th, 2020



Hey guys! Second chapter already! It took me a couple tries to write it how I wanted. Rewriting stories is more difficult than I thought, but still say easier than writing it from scratch

And yes I know some facts are wrong, I know that John and Paul were on good terms when John died, but its fan FICTION and past me wasn't as big of a Beatles fan as I am now.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you haven't already, I want to know how you guys think of the writing!

This one is a little short. Sorry!

-782 words-

Peace and love, Andrew 🤙

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