Chapter 12

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I love that picture of John so much but the picture was cut off so I drew the rest myself lmaoooo.
I showed the picture to my friend who doesn't really like the Beatles and she's like "holy shit! That's John Lennon?? He's really fuckin skinny!" And I was dying laughing
Paul's Pov

I told Nancy everything that had happened today. Everything about the interview and how afterwards I went to Central Park and ran into this John Lennon look alike, and sound alike and act alike!

Everything was just so crazy and I couldn't fathom what I had just lived through! It was so surreal!

I had had enough of this crazy shit and and went to sleep.

I dreamt of John again. It was so crazy!
He ran up to me and before I could even talk to him he went "I need to explain what happened at Central Park."

The dream morphed from this plain, white plain, to a beautiful garden overlooking a pond.

"I'm sorry about all of that. I'm pretty sure this is a dream so there's no fault in telling you everything. I'm from the past and the person you ran into was me. This dude, his name is Randy, transported me here and is now trying to get me back. I saw your newspaper statement that said you've loved me for years. I guess I do too... you've always been such a big part of my life that I just can't keep lying to myself anymore. I love you too, Paul."

He suddenly got up and before I could say anything, he turned away and muttered "what I crazy dream this is..." before vanishing from existence.

I woke up drenched in sweat. 'What the HELL was that?' It must've been something important because john even told me that it was a dream but it was so self aware that I didn't even care! He told me that be loved me back! It must of been just my imagination though.

I decided to not tell Nancy about the dream. She would just worry about me and that wouldn't do her no good.

I had a plan to go and track where that car had gone so that I can get the full story of whatever the fuck happened yesterday (all my troubles seemed so far awayyy)


About thirty minutes later, I was standing on the porch of an old house with no disguise on. 'This was a stupid idea...' I muttered to myself.

(A/N. I have no idea if it's actually possible to track down cars like this but it is a fan FICTION so it's whatever...)

There was no going back now. I made sure that the car had the right license plate and knocked on the door.

It took what felt like years, but the old door finally creaked open.

I couldn't believe my eyes! There was a perfect copy of John Lennon from forty years ago! I stood there, mouth agape, when the man gasped and started to tear up.


It was him. I was sure of it.

Hey y'all!
Paul and John finally meet face to face, no disguises and all!

Will Randy be pissed like last time? Stick around to find out!

Thank you all for reading this far! Votes and comments are welcome

-567 words-

Peace and love, Andy 💚

Across time {Half Rewritten}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin