Rooftop concert

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John's pov

We had spent hours working on everything. Sean came out of his room to see what all the ruckus was about.

We were in the middle of practicing all the songs. We all stopped when we saw him come in.

"Oh my god! Is that Sean? He's gotten so big!" George said, bubbling with happiness.

We had been so caught up in everything that we completely forgot about Sean!

"Oh hey Sean! Come here. I want you to come say hi to my guests!"
I brought his over to George and Ringo.
"This is your uncle George and uncle Ringo! They also used to be in my band! You see-"

A knock came on the door and signified that Cynthia and Julian were here!

George went over to Sean and picked him up while I opened the door and welcomed them in.

"I haven't seen you guys for a few years! How's everything?"

We talked for a bit before we told them all of our plans.

"So, you're going to do another rooftop concert? Why?" Julian asked with a hint of confusion. "Didn't you say that you were done with performing?"

"Oh! Well I wanted to have a little reunion and Paul and I have some big news! We're together!"

Cyn looked at me with proud eyes.

"I knew that he would finally tell you"

"What do you mean? Don't tell me you had a bet as well!"

"Paul told me that he had feeling for you when you started hanging out with Yoko. I never really cared and always thought you guys would be cute together anyways" she winked

Well that went well. I'm surprised Paul told her all those years ago when she was technically still my wife! It didn't matter though.

"Will you be able to make sure Sean stays out of trouble when we're performing? I want him to have a good view of the concert but it'll be loud with all the instruments."

"Of course! I would love to watch this beautiful little boy!" She leaned closer and whispered to me "And I think Sean should have a good relationship with Jules since they are half-brothers"

She looked over at Sean and Julian who were playing around with one of Julian's old action figures. I have a feeling that he's gonna be a fantastic older brother.


Paul and I went to go ask management if we could hold a small concert and if they could bring our instruments up to the roof.

We got permission to set up our instruments on the top of the building. Not that they would ever tell John Lennon "no".

We told everybody to go ahead so that Paul and I could have a quick chat.

"You know that I love you right? If things go wrong and everybody hates us, that won't change anything." I caressed his cheek.

He kissed my hand. "Of course I know that. I love you too. I hope things go well. We better go now to make sure they don't think we're fucking" he giggled and left.

'Damn... I got myself a keeper..'
I thought as I followed him out:

Cynthia, Julian and Sean were all there, just waiting for us to start, while George tuned his guitar and Ringo sat down at the drums.

"Where are we boys?"

"At the top, Johnny!"

"And where's that boys?"

"At the toppermost of the poppermost!"

This was going to be something that no one would forget. It was the busiest time of the day so everyone would hear us.

"Are we ready to do this?"

"yEAH" the rest of the boys screamed.

The sound of my harmonica cut through the air. We started with Love me do.

People started to look up at the familiar sound to see the Beatles!
We had set up a few cameras since Paul knew that in the future, these tapes would go for millions.

For the next hour or so, we sung our hearts out. Applause was heard everywhere below us. The news had been called and were filming us from below.

It was one of the best moments of our lives.

As the last few chords of 'Hey Jude' rang out Paul and I stepped up to finally make our announcement.

"Thank you all for coming to listen to us! This concert was a blast but all good things must end.! Paul and I have some important news!"

With all the cameras filming, I grabbed Paul's hand and lifted it in the air like I was announcing the winner in a boxing fight.

"Paul and I are together! We love each other and non of you guys can say otherwise!" We kissed and the applause of the people rang out through the streets.

This was a very happy day and an important one for gay rights. People would finally learn that everything was normal.

"Thank you all and have a great day!"

We ran back down the stairs. We would get someone to bring the instruments down later.

'What a day..' Paul mumbled.

What a day it was...

Thank you for reading! There are four more chapter left! This one's kinda short compared to my other ones :/

-879 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)))))

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