New years!

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That picture is really cute 🥺 mcpaulie-Jess on tumblr.
I want the story to be as cute as possible before shit hits the fan so let's have a cute New Years story!
*two and a half weeks later*

Paul's pov

It's been a couple weeks since I found out that John was alive! I gave Randy my phone number so that I could call John whenever I wanted and so he could call me.

I had to go back to London with Nancy since I couldn't stay with John for weeks at a time. I decided to not tell Nancy about John and to listen to Randy's advice. No one else had to know about John.

Randy texted me yesterday to say that the time machine thingy would be ready by about January 2nd and if I wanted to see John again before everyone was taken back to that fateful day in 1980, that I should go now.

I told Nancy that a family friend invited me for New Years and that I would only stay a few days and got on a plane to New York.

Man... my life is fucking crazy. I'm a massive celebrity who had one of the best bands ever, my friends die and leave me depressed and then I find out that one of them is alive and that we can save them and everyone by going to the past. What an adventure!

I love John very much and he loves me too. We aren't all lovey dovey, we're more just like good friends (no we're actually good friends)

When everything get fixed, I can't wait to start a life with John. There's only one problem, what about Linda? She'll still be alive and we'll be married! She was always understanding so maybe everything will be alright...


I got off the plane and headed for Randy's flat. I couldn't wait to see John!

Everything that has happened in the past few weeks has been so surreal and I'm so happy that things are changing for the better.

It took a while to get used to seeing your dead best friend and previously, secret crush. It's mostly normal now and when we all get sent back to the past, It'll be fantastic!

I pulled into the driveway and knocked on the door. Randy opened the door and let me in.

Their apartment was decorated from top to bottom to celebrate New Years and John's life!

John came running up to me and gave me a giant hug. "Easy there tiger! I'm old remember? Don't want to break a hip!" He laughed and I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down.

"So how's the time machine going?"

Randy looked at me with a smile on his face. "It's almost done! We have to do a few tweaks but then we can send John back! It's fantastic!"

I was so happy for John! He could finally have his life back! Everything would be fixed.

"Paul.. we can finally do what was right all along. I missed you so much and I didn't see you for only four years and called a few times! You waited decades!"

Randy came running in from somewhere and started screaming at us "It's almost time! Crack open the champagne!"

Randy and I went to the kitchen and he carried the champagne and I carried the glasses.

"Aw shite I broke a glass.."


"Oh piss off you git... I love you"

"I love you too... "

John looked at the clock.
"OH 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!

The new year has begun and it was finally time to finish our plan. To right what had been wronged. To save my Johnny and to save the rest of my friends.

Our story is coming to an end and I can't wait for this to be over.

Randy is practically done fixing the time machine! Will everything work smoothly or will something so wrong?
Keep reading to find out!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

This story is going to have, give or take, ten more chapters! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading this far because I enjoyed making this!

-740 words-

Peace and love, ya boi Andy ;)

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