The truth ch3

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New chapter :D

Ps. Most the chapter is in Paul's Pov


I was running from something. I don't know why, I don't know from what but all I knew what that I was running.

My head was racing. Where was i?

It didn't take long for my head to stop spinning and to realize where I was. The familiar streets of New York! I remembered this place! I'm right outside of the Dakota!
John! John Lennon! There he is!

"JOHN!" I screwed to him, seeing someone behind him with a gun. H turned to look at me but it was too late.

I tried to scream to him again , but I was too late. He was gone. Now I'm all alone.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! (Yeah!)

I woke up screaming. This nightmare hasn't happened in a while.

Maybe it was a sign.. of something..?

It was the 40th anniversary of John's death. He thought of him everyday.
I wish I told him the truth.
I've loved him since that trip to Paris.

"Paulie? Are you ok? I heard you scream!" Nancy said worried.

"I'm ok, I just had a bad dream"

Nancy left the room, satisfied with my answer. I was happy that she cared so much about me

I remember when I first realized that I love John.


It was 1964. They had just performed for the first time on the Ed Sullivan show.
While they were getting ready to leave John made a speech (A/N I have no clue if this actually happened)
"Well lads, that was a great show! I'm proud of us! Where we goin' boys?"
We all looked at him in admiration "to the top Johnny!"
"Where's that boys?"
"To the toppermost of the poppermost!!"

I looked at him and finally realized, even if I wasn't ok with it at the time

I love John Lennon.


Today I'm going to tell the newspaper a bunch of stories from my Beatles days for John's death anniversary.

I told Nancy about my feelings for John. I knew that I was never going to be able to tell him, so I told the next best person. My wife.

She completely understood. I still love her so damn much but I'll never be able to love anyone more than John Lennon.

*time skip*

(We're now in the middle of the newspaper interview)

"So Paul, you've told us a bunch of new stories and that's very interesting but I can see that you're slightly uneasy talking about John. Is it because it's the 40th anniversary of his death?"

'Thanks for bringing' it up Paul thought sarcastically.

He thought to himself before he responded. 'I'm going to tell the truth about my love of John'

"Yes. I've missed him dearly ever since his death.
A few years ago I said in an interview that there were stories that I would never tell unless Yoko and Cynthia were dead.
I know that Yoko is still alive but I'm tired of lying to everyone...

I was in love with John Lennon and I still am"


John's POV

John has to put the newspaper down.

Not only is he somehow in the future! Paul McCartney. His Macca, loves him!

Now thinking about it. It was so obvious. The looks they gave each other, their closeness, the reason Paul hated Yoko and the reason I disliked Linda. (I'm not saying that John hated Linda. I honestly had no clue)
We were jealous.

But now, that wasn't my first priority. I have to figure out how to get back to the past. To fix everything.

He couldn't stay here. He didn't know how anything worked for god sakes!
He wanted to talk to Macca and tell him he loved him too but who would believe him?

According to everyone, he's been dead for 40 years! It's crazy! But now, he had one goal. To get to the past and tell Paul that he loved him.


A/N ! Now things are starting to pick up.
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-610 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)

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