How do I let it be? ch6

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A/N. that picture is the cutest shit I've seen all week 🥺🥺

I was fookin livid! First, he sent me to the future without telling me! Second, he doesn't even know how to send me back!

"I'm sorry man! When we brought you to the future, I guess we didn't think ahead..."

"Well how the fuck was that supposed to work? You didn't even find a way to send me back before you did?!"

"We're figuring everything out! It should be done in the next few months!"

Of course, John was being sarcastic. How could this man send him to the future without a plan! It didn't matter anymore.
Now he just had to figure out how to live.

"Is there anything else that I have to know? Any important deaths? Good news that won't fuck up the space time thingy?"

John didn't expect that Randy had anything to say. He was hoping that everything was ok and he didn't have to worry.

"Wwwwwelllll..... there were a few important deaths since you've 'died'.
Your ex-wife Cynthia died in 2015 of cancer. And George died in 2001..."

No. NO! This wasn't possible! I couldn't let them die! "Is Ringo still alive?!"

"Thankfully, Ringo and Paul are still alive. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. When we find a way to send you back to the 80s, you need to try your hardest to get George to stop smoking."

John no longer had only one mission. He had to save his friends, himself and hopefully, the hearts of millions of teenage girls.

But for now he had to take the advise of an old Beatles song.
Let it be.


Paul's pov

Paul had to start worrying.
Now that he came clean about his feelings about John, a lot of fans were very happy.

Back in 2013, he found out what "mclennon" was. (That's meta)
He almost broke his hip!
People were shipping him with his dead best friend, it's weird! Even if they were sorta right.
(A/N. I'm not joking, when he found out what mclennon was he almost broke his hip lmaooo)

But, the older folks weren't as happy as the younger people. Some were still stuck in their homophobic ways.

His phone was blowing up with happy messages but there were still some bad messages. People telling him that he's wrong for loving another man, but they're just random people on the internet who's opinion doesn't matter.

He stayed home that day but booked a flight for New York for the next week. He wanted to visit some people and maybe go for another interview.

He had to stop stressing about everything but he just couldn't.

"What would John think of me know? What would my mum think of me?"

He decided to take his own advice and 'let it be'.

The next week would have way more stuff to deal with anyway.

John found out about George!When Randy finds out how to take him back to the past, how will he save him?
Paul's coming to New York! Will John find out and go to the next step in their plan?

-549 words-

Peace and love, Andy!

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