Hehehe this is the end

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Did you guys really think that I was gonna be THAT much of an asshole and leave you guys with that depressing ending? Here's your actual ending! Love you all! ( I don't proofread these long ass chapters )

"Goodnight... I love you, Paulie.... don't you ever forget that.."

I couldn't bare to keep staring at his pale, dead skin. His heart was thankfully still beating, but I have a feeling that it wouldn't be for long.

I walked to the other side of the room to to sob and to collect my thoughts.

As I was sobbing into my hands, the doctor rushed in.

"Ok! I think we have some good news. We won't go to much into detail, but after discussing with my nurses, there's a surgery that we can try that has a ninety percent chance of not only saving his life, but making sure that his lungs don't collapse. I doubt that you've told your families about all of this, so I suggest that you call them up while we take him into surgery."

I stared at him in awe

"Thank you doctor! Please make sure he's safe." I quickly walked out of the room to go call Linda, George and Ringo.


*12 hours later*

Linda and Ringo came over to make sure that I was ok. George's flight was canceled so he would only be here tomorrow.

We here all sitting in the waiting room, waiting for any news about Paul. The longer his surgery went on, the more nervous I got.

We were all hopeful that he would live and still be happy and healthy.

" Mr Lennon? Ms Eastman? Paul is safe and out of surgery would you like to-"

I quickly got up and ran towards the hallway.

I yelled after realizing I don't know where I was going.

The doctor just laughed and screamed back "ROOM 469!"

I ran into the room and there he was. An alive Paul McCartney, sitting in his hospital bed.

I stopped in my tracks and as we stared into each others eyes, we both bursted into tears. I ran towards him and 'tackled' him.

"Don't you ever fucking do that again! I thought I lost you..." I sobbed into his shirt.

"I'm so sorry baby... I'll never leave you again. I love you so much..." Paul cried with me.

I buried my head in his neck and kissed it softly. We stayed in that position for probably the next fifteen minutes.

"Hey lovebirds! We should probably run a few tests so... uhhh..." he pointed to us and I jumped off of him.

We blushed as I walked out the door to go meet Linda and Ringo who were standing right outside the door.

"I can't believe that the doctor fucking saved him! It's a miracle!"

Linda hugged me and whispered to me "Thank you for making him happy. I'm thankful that he finally found his soulmate."

*Seven months later*

Paul had almost fully recovered. He was left with some nasty scars, problems breathing and some chest pains, but the doctor said that in few years time, he should be pretty much back to his old self.

After the health scare, we spent the next two months healing and just spending time together.

We had finished the album in that time and by March, we were getting ready to go on tour.

We, of course, gave Randy some tickets for him and his friends. He was very thankful and very happy to see us both, healthy and alive.

Today was the final day of the tour. We had just left Vancouver and was heading to Ontario for our final show.

I brought all our friends and family to come watch our final show of the tour since there was going to be a very special surprise.

Paul ended all his shows with a round of 'Hey Jude' so after the final 'na na na' I was gonna bring him to centre stage, get down on one knee, and propose to him in front of the entire crowd.

We had discussed getting married a few times and after him getting shot and realizing that I can't live without him, I think that now would be the perfect time.

It's gonna be phenomenal.

"Then you'll begin, to make it better, better, better, better, betTER, BETTER AHHH!" Paul screamed the final 'better'

"NAAA NA NA NANANA NA! NANANA NA! HEY JUDE!" (Don't lie. You definitely scream/sang that in your head)

The crowd screamed like to was no tomorrow. I just stared in awe with his ability to control the crowd.

After the final 'Na Na Na s' were heard, we all went up to the front and bowed.

As the others made their was off the stage, I pulled Paul back and took his hand in mine.

I grabbed the microphone.

"Thank you all for coming out here tonight! I have some very special news to share with you and Paul!"

I turned to a very confused Paul. I, of course, didn't mention any of this to him.

"Paul, you've made me the happiest I've ever been. Ever since the day I met you, you've been a big part of my life."

I got down on one knee. He gasped and started to tear up. I looked to my right to look at the crowd and saw that they were in total shock.

"Paul, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

"Yes you git! Now come here and kiss me!"

I chuckled and brought him into a short, sweet kiss.

The crowd cheered louder than anything I've ever heard. I'm happy that the fans all love and support us.

"Goodnight Ontario! Thanks for the amazing show!"

We ran off the stage giggling.

"I can't believe you fucking proposed to me on stage!" He practically doubled over in laughter.

"I know! It's crazy huh?!"

We pretty much just laughed and made out for the rest of the night.

But it wasn't all fun and games...

We had a wedding to plan.
This chapter is getting too long. I'm gonna have a wedding chapter up soon! In a few days I'm gonna have the epilogue ready!

Thank y'all for reading!

-1058 words-

Peace and love, Andy :D

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