John realizes that he's an idiot

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How often should I post? Online school is really fucking easy and either way, they're not allowed to fail us so that won't be a problem. I'm pretty flexible so tell me what I should do.
Randy's Pov

Since John apparently didn't know why it's such a bad idea to just go fuck around New York without anyone to keep him safe, someone will have to tell him why.

I yelled at John in the car because I was so fucking pissed. I probably shouldn't have yelled at him but I can't think straight when I get angry.

We'll be all over the news later and I don't want this to happen again.

When John goes back to the past, the only people who will remember will be the people who I've told and who's been directly involved so that would be me, Jack, Mel, John and now, fucking Paul!

I had to tell john why this is such a fucking bad idea.

When we got home, John went straight to my room while I went to go tell Jack and Mel before something fucked us over.

After talking about it, Jack and Mel left since John is more comfortable with me. I told John to come join me so that we could talk about it.

John walked out of my room with red, puffy eyes. Poor man... I shouldn't have yelled at him so much and taken him away from Paul so early but everything was for his safety.

John's pov

I had never been an emotional person but ever since I was brought to 2020, my whole world has been turned upside down.

First, I learn that I'm fucking dead, then I learn that my old best friend has loved me for decades and that I also loved him and didn't do anything and then I fucking run into him by accident!

The cherry on top is that right before I could explain anything, Randy pulled me away from Paul by the ear!

I wonder what Paul thinks of me right now? Does he even believe me?

"John! Come here! We need to discuss some things!"

I quickly wiped my face of my tears and walked out of Randy's room.

Randy looked at me with pity. I guess I didn't wipe my face off enough...

"Hey john... I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I was just so mad at you!
I really need you to understand why I can't let anyone get suspicious! We'll probably be on the news later because Paul was there and I screamed at you like a psychopath."

"It's ok Randy, I understand why you yelled at me but I don't understand why you care so much? As long as I get sent back to the past in time, we should be fine!"

Now I didn't really understand anything. I don't know how this stuff works but I bet since Randy is being really serious right now that I'm about to get some important information.

"John. I don't think you understand what will happen when we send you back! Everyone who you'll have interacted with now, will remember it as long as they were alive in 1980.
That means me, you, Jack and Mel.
We cannot let you talk to anyone else so that they don't fuck everything up. I should have explained this to you in better detail earlier but I didn't think that you were gonna go off and do this shit..."

Wow. I guess I really didn't have any clue what was going on.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

I got up and headed to my makeshift bed on the floor in Randy's room.

Now was not the time to deal with this.

Next chapter will be Paul's pov and how he's dealing with all this.

Thank you guys for reading this far! Love all of you!

-659 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)

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