The end

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A/N Welcome to "the end"! Hope you guys are ready! Also there's a time skip so don't be confused. (I didn't proofread this one either.)
Paul's Pov
*Time Skip*

John and I had lived a full year in this new timeline thingy. It was December 8th, 1981.

Everything was better than I could've imagined. We both got (mostly) sober and we made everyone quit cigarettes and hard drugs just to make sure that they didn't die of cancer or an overdose, even if they were really confused of why I was so pushy about it.

It's difficult to just forget everyone from the future. I miss Nancy and the grandchildren. I've accepted that I'll never get to see the grandkids again. Even if they're born, they still won't be the same kid. It sucks, but I have to sacrifice some things. (I've just realized that that sounds really morbid but pretend that it's not lmaoo)

Things have changed a lot and I'm happy that things changed for the better.

John and I decided to 'spruce up' the apartment a bit. No more white. It was now a very colourful place filled with blues and yellows! We had also added a bunch of plants with some help from George. He always had a thing for gardening.

We had also kind of become gay rights activists. We wanted to make sure that everyone was treated equally and to make sure no one is shamed for their sexuality. The future had done a fairly good job, but I want to make sure the youth know that it's ok!

For the past few months, we had been recording a new album with songs written by the infamous Lennon-McCartney (or mclennon if you so choose hehe) for the first time since the Beatles days.

We got George and Ringo to make some appearances on the drums and guitar, respectively. It was sort of like a Beatles album, but this album wasn't a Beatles reunion. This was just a Paul McCartney album with songs written by John and I, with appearances from George and Ringo.

I also didn't want to screw up anything by putting their songs on the album anyways.

Even if it was technically our one-year anniversary, we spent the whole day in the studio recording.

We were getting ready to go when I remembered that I wanted to ask something.

"Johnny baby?" I asked

"Yes Paulie?" He replied lovingly. He's been trying to be more loving to everyone like Sean, Jules and me.

"Do you think... that we could maybe go on tour after this? When we were still in the future, I toured all the time and I'm not that used to not being on a stage, singing my heart out.."

Now, I was slightly nervous if his response. I know that he hadn't performed in quite some time besides the rooftop concert. But even then, that was a year ago.

"That sounds like fun. When are you thinking?" John asked with a smile.

I was surprised! I didn't think that he would actually want to go on a tour. Maybe it's just because it late in the evening, he's tired and he doesn't want to deal with this.

"Maybe we could have a summer tour? It would be fun! We should invite Randy and his friends! It's the least we can do for him saving you."

Across time {Half Rewritten}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ