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This one is gonna be a roller coaster so get ready for this!
Randy still swears like a sailor in this
Randy's pov

I can't believe him!
He just fucking ran away to look for Paul! Paul might be on the other fucking side of New York for all he knows!
Where should I look for John?
He couldn't be too far since I wasn't gone for long.

There were only a few places that he's been to since he's been here so maybe he's at one of those places?
Or me might just be walking around New York!

'Let's try Central Park' I thought to myself as I got into my car.


As I got out of my car, someone walking really fast caught my eye.
They were mumbling to themselves when the collided in someone very familiar.


I quickly got out of my car and walked towards them.
'Fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck!'

I can't believe him! How could he be so careless!

As I got closer i stopped.

".... Paulie?"
Oh no.
John's pov


Bloody hell! I just ran into Paul Mccartney! My Paul!

Oh I'm so daft! What the fuck am I gonna say! I can't just say "hey Paul! It's me, John. I'm actually not dead because this dude saved me and brought me to 2020!". He would think I'm bloody mental! He would never believe me!

We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
I was sweating bullets waiting to see what he was going to say.

Paul looked at me and took off my disguise (which was a stupid hat, a moustache and one of those long ass jackets).
"Is it really you? It can't be... am I going insane?"

People were starting to stare at us. Two grown men who ran into each other sitting on the ground.
One of them sounds like Paul McCartney and the other looks suspiciously like John Lennon.

"It's really me Macca... I'll explain everything later, just please come with-"


Oh no.
That's Randy.
Oh no.

He pulled me back from Paul and dragged me away by my ear like I was twelve again before shit could get too real.

After getting about 40 feet away from where Paul and I were, Paul finally was broken out of his daze and chased after me. He could barely keep up with us because at this point I think he's 78 or something.

Neither of us could believe what just happened!
But I have a feeling that he won't believe me when I tell him that I am 100% John Lennon and was just brought to 2020 just moments before my 'death'.

Before Paul could reach me, Randy stuffed me into the passenger seat of his car.
"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! I told you to stay in the fucking building so that no one would see you and fucking question you!
The entirety of Central Park fucking saw you with Paul Mccartney!
Do you have any idea what could happen if people, like the y'now, THE FUCKING FBI, found out I brought you to the fucking FUTURE?!
You'll definitely be on the fucking news and now so many conspiracy theories will pop up!
You're lucky that it should only take two weeks to get that fucking time machine thingy up and working again!"

John was speechless. He never knew that Randy could get so angry.
"I guess I wasn't thinking..."


The rest of the drive was very silent.
We were both left to our own thoughts.
'Will Paul ever find me again?'
'Will someone say something to get Randy investigated by the fbi?'
If Paul finds me, will he even believe me?

I guess I'll just have to wait and find out since I can't really do anything right now.

Paul's pov

Who was that? Was that actually John? THE John Lennon?
And who was the person who took him away? And why was the person so mad?

I need to ask him all these questions!
What the fuck is going on?

How will this work from now on?
There might have been a lot of theories of him being alive but i just found one of those people who claim to be him!

He still looked like how he looked 40 years ago! I wonder if I'm actually going insane.

Is this a prank? Nobody ever calls me 'Paulie' besides my wife and no one except John ever called me 'Macca'!

I tried to follow them but I'm almost 80 and I just couldn't keep up. But I did catch the license plate so hopefully I'll be able to track the plate and find out where they went.

Everyone saw that it was me at the park today so there will definitely be something on the news channels later tonight. I'm totally fucked..

I'll have to call Nancy so that i can get her advice and so that she doesn't find out what happened today from some stupid reporter.

Hopefully I can find out what the fuck all of that was.

This one is a very juicy chapter!
John and Paul ran into each other?
Will Randy get fucked by the fbi?
I honestly have no clue, so stick around to see what I choose to do!

This one is much longer than the other chapters and will probably be the one of the longest chapters in the book until some of the last chapters!

Hope you guys enjoyed reading it because I sure did enjoy writing it!

-942 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)

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