Getting the band back together

329 11 15

This is Winston. My hand for reference 🥺🥺🥺
Paul's pov

I woke up to the sun shinning through the blinds and the last few bars of 'all my loving'. What a fantastic way to wake up! Laying on your potential boyfriend's chest as you listen to the music of your past!

I got up from his chest and went to go make him and Sean some breakfast.

I looked in the fridge and not to anybody's surprise, there wasn't much in there. Just some milk, eggs, some fruit and yoghurt. 'I guess this will have to do'

I turned the television off so that he could sleep better but I still wanted some music so I turned on the little radio he had.

"Deep down in Louisiana close to New Orleans..."
The familiar lyrics of Johnny B. Goode rung through the kitchen.

I was dancing around the kitchen while I made the breakfast.

"McCharmley! Having fun?"

My heart froze. I didn't hear John get up! And not to mention that I was in a very 'Chuck Berry' like duck walk.

"Loads! Aren't you?"

John looked me up and down.
"Oh I'm having a blast watching you dance around like we did in 67'"

Johnny B. Goode ended and transitioned into the even more familiar sounds of Twenty Flight Rock.

"C'mon! Why don't you join me!"
I took his hand in mine and spun him around like he was a princess.

"Hell no! You might have gained some youth but if I'm not careful, I'm going to break a hip!"

I changed the channel and landed on Jailhouse Rock.
"Not even for the king of rock n' roll?"

"Not even a pelvic thrust." He winked.

"Let's see about that..."

"That we will... wAIT No"

He was too late and I took his hand in mine. He laughed as I dipped him to the floor. "So.. you come here often?"

"Piss off! This is my kitchen!"

We could've danced for hours but we were cut short when we started smelling some burning.

"Oh fuck the eggs!" I ran off to get the stove off and to throw the eggs in the garbage.

"Well there goes breakfast... Is Sean awake yet?"

John sat down at the island and replied. "No Sean isn't awake yet.
How bout' we get something delivered and spend the rest of the day having fun with Sean!"

"Lennon, that is one of the smartest things to ever come out of your mouth!"


We spent most of the day just messing around, dancing and playing with Sean.

Later that day, the topic of a Beatles reunion popped up in conversation.

"Should we call George and Ringo? You want a reunion, right? It would be so fun! And we'd get paid a lot of money" John winked.

"Ok Winston, let's call up the boys. And while we're at it, let's try and get George to stop smoking. We might have saved you, but we still need to save George."

We decided to call Ringo first. I hadn't talked to George since he died and I don't think I would be able to hear his voice without crying.

It rung a few times before he picked up.


"Ringo? It's Paul!"

"Oh hey Paul, how are you doing?"

We shared some pleasantries for a while before we had to get down to why i called.

"Oh and Ringo, I'm at John's at we thought of maybe coming together for a weekend with all of us?"

"Sure! Is George coming?"

"We haven't gotten around to calling him. We'll call you later to confirm the dates! See ya Ritchie!"

I hung up and turned to John. He had just gotten off the phone with George.

"So... are we getting the band back together?"

"Hell yes we are"

We laughed and danced around the living room until I remembered that I probably should call Linda, but that can wait until later.

Hey guys!

I'm having problems thinking of stuff so I'm gonna take a week off and finish writing.

Love you all!

-686 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)

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