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This going to be a cute, but long chapter! (I didn't proof-read this so please tell me my spelling errors)
Julian's Pov

It was the morning of December 10th 1980. I was woken up by the shrilling sound of the telephone. It's nine in the morning! Who could be calling at this time?

It rang a few times and decided that no one else was going to answer it since I assume mum was still asleep.. "Hello? This is Julian speaking."

"Jules?" A familiar voice answered.

"Dad? Why are you calling me? Wouldn't you rather be with that wife of yours?" I might have been a little harsh, but he hadn't even tried to contact me for years! He doesn't deserve my sympathy.

"I want to fix our relationship. I divorced Yoko. She was a bitch anyway." He chuckled "Do you want me to fly you and Cyn out to New York for the weekend?"

I was speechless! He left the bitch that drove our family apart and then he says we wants to rekindle our relationship! "I'm not sure.. It would be nice but I'll have to ask mum first. I'll call you back in a few hours when she wakes up. Love you."

He took a minute to respond. "I love you too Jules. Talk to you soon." He then hung up.

I was happy that he reached out. He might be a little late to care about me, but late is better than never.
We were finally going to be able to fix things.
John's Pov

Jules agreed to come and visit! I was ecstatic! It was about four in the morning for me so it was about nine am for them. I couldn't wait to call them so I had called them as soon as it would be acceptable for them.

Paul was coming to visit today to celebrate my newly found freedom and life. He would be here around noon so I had to get everything cleaned up and ready for him. I also had to wake Sean up so that he could meet him properly and so Sean wouldn't be scared with the man his dad brought over.


It took a few hours but everything was perfect. The whole apartment was cleaned from top to bottom. Sean was fed, clean and mostly happy. Sean was a bit concerned about where his mother had gone but John explained that she had left because him and Yoko didn't love each other anymore and because he's just a little kid, he was satisfied with that answer.

A knock on the door signified that his guest had arrived. "Hello! Room service!" Spoke a very terrible posh accent.

John flung open the door to see a  surprised Paul on the other side. He caught him just before he was about to knock again.

John attacked him in a massive hug.
"I missed you so much Paulie. I know it's only been a day or so much I love you so much"

I stood back to fully look at him. He was wearing some colourful clothing. A red and white striped shirt with navy blue jacket thrown on over top. He also had some dark green pants on. I almost doubled over with laughter. "You look like you've just stepped out of yellow submarine!"

"I do not! You just have a boring fashion sense..."

He welcomed him in and as soon as they were behind closed doors, Paul pinned john against the wall. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this.." he kissed him hungrily with a passion John had never seen before. He froze for a second before he kissed back with more passion.

Paul let his guard slip and John pinned him against the wall again. "It's my turn.."

They forgot about Sean and it was obvious with their lack of care.
They made out against the wall as they complimented each other. They truly did love each other.

"Daddy? Who's the man you're kissing?"

They both froze. There behind them was a five year old Sean.
"Oh! This is Paul! I've told you about him before! He used to be my band mate." John picked him up and brought him over to the couch.

"I love him very much but right now, you have other things to be worried about." He tickled him and Sean laughed with him until Sean got up and ran away. "Come and catch me!"

We ran around until Sean got tired and I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder. "Sean, do you want to have a nap?" A quiet 'yeah' could be heard from the little boy who was almost fast asleep in his arms.

"I love you so much. Never forget that." I whispered to him as I put him to bed.

I closed the door and there stood a very happy Paul. "Y'know, you're a fantastic father. Now that you have the chance, you're fixing everything. You know that I love you, right?"

"Of course I do. I love you too."

We sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. We were so into our conversation that we didn't realize that we stumbled upon a channel that was playing Beatles content.

"Who's that little old man?"

The familiar voice stopped our conversation dead in our tracks.

"What little old man?"

"That little old man!"

"Oh him! That's just me grandfather!"

We stopped everything that we were doing to watch our stupid little movie. You might have heard of it.
"A hard days night"

"We were so young then. Look at us now! We're all so old!" Spoke Paul.

"Yeah. It's crazy to see how far we've come. Y'know, I was thinking of calling up the lads for a reunion. Do you think it's a good idea?"

The rest of the day was filled with watching old Beatles movies and listening to our records while Paul and I discussed ideas for the reunion.

Everything was perfect. We finally fixed things. We were gonna get our perfect ending.

Hey everybody! Our story only has a few more chapters left! I'm so excited to show you guys the end!

Jules and John are finally going to reconnect! John and Paul are finally coming together (hehe)!
What about George and Ringo?

Keep reading to find out! Votes and comments are welcome!

-1066 words-

Love you all! Peace and love, Andy :)

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