Band is (kinda) back together!

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I got bored of not posting so here's the next chapter! When this chapter goes out, I'll only have one more chapter left to write and then I can finish the book. (that picture David Bowie and I love him((Also where is that interviews))
John's pov

Love is a complicated thing. I used to love so many people, but as a wise man once said, "all things must pass" . I used to truly love Yoko. I thought that she was one of the best things to ever happen to me! But I started to think about everything and realized that Paul was so much better.

He had cared about me since the very beginning. I could never forget the day we met. July 6th 1957. He was perfect, and still is.

This time travel stuff had really turned my life upside down. But in a good way! I'm fixing my relationships, I have a loving boyfriend and we're getting the band back together!

It had been a few days since I had even thought of all the time travel stuff. I wondered how Randy was doing.

I made a mental note to find him soon to thank him and to probably freak the fuck out of his parents since I'm, y'know' John Lennon.

We planned everything. We're going to end 1980 with a bang! For New Years, I'm going to bring everyone to New York. Ringo, George, Jules, Cynthia, everyone!

I want to recreate the rooftop concert that we did, except it's going to be happier and full of love. We're planning to tell everyone that we're together as well!

*Skip to the day before New Year's Eve*

Paul and I were going over the plans for the concert so that everything was going to be great.

Three knocks on the door signified that one of the lads were here.

I got up to open the door and there stood George and Ringo. Jules and Cyn weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow.

"Hello my good friends! Are you ready to rock?"

"Maybe after a few drinks!" Ringo said joyously. George stayed quiet with his hands in his pockets.

"Georgie here is still the quiet Beatle I see! Let's get some drinks! Me and Paulie have some news."

They walked in and sat down in the living room while Paul and I got the drinks and glasses.

I got close to Paul and whispered "and remember, don't brake a glass"

I snickered and walked away from the slightly angry Paul.

"Hey! Get back here so I can beat your ass!" He said with a fake anger and followed me out of the kitchen.

"So uhh, what's the news that you and Paul wanted to tell us?" George finally piped up.

Paul and I sat down next to each other and looked the lads straight in the eyes.

"Well, we have some big news...."

We looked away from them and stared into each other's eyes.

"Me and Paul.... are together."

"Well no shit! You're sitting right next to each other" Ringo said nervously, obviously hinting at something.

"No.. you don't get it! We're, y'know...together. I love him and he loves me" I slowly grabbed his hand.

They both stared at us in mild shock before George turned to Ringo and screamed "Fuckin told ya! Now where's my twenty pounds!"

We all bursted out laughing.

"How did you guys already know? We hadn't even been out of the house since Paul got here?"

"Oh! Me and Ritch have had this bet since the sixties! I'm surprised you didn't tell us earlier! We always knew that you guys were a couple o' queers! Still love ya though!"

Paul and I stared at each other with amazement in our eyes.

"We weren't even that queer back then! We hadn't even acknowledged it!"

We were kind of amazed that they knew we were gonna get together before we even did! It took Paul almost sixty years!

"We don't care if you're queer! Now, what songs are we doing? I got my guitar in the car so that we can practice!"

The rest of the night was spent going over the songs and practicing. We had decided on doing fifteen songs. Four from our solos and eleven from our beatle days!

Love me do, She loves you, Roll over Beethoven, Help!, Yesterday, sgt peppers, With a little help from my friends, Back in the USSR, Let it be, Here comes the sun, Imagine, All things must past, Maybe I'm amazed, You're sixteen and Hey Jude.

Everything was perfect.

Next chapter will be the rooftop concert #2! And I kinda forgot about Sean in the second half of the chapter! In the next chapter, he'll be babysat by Jules. Family bonding am I right! *laugh track*
(Also happy pride month!)

-815 words-

Peace and love, Andy

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