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December 9th, 2020

The first time Paul experienced this day, was a day of mourning and depression. Today, it's a day of love and celebration!

All thanks to Randy, John Lennon is here today. They've been happily married for almost four decades.

Randy not only saved John, but he saved a bunch of other lives. Thanks to him, Linda never died of cancer and is still very present in Paul's life. George also survived a long fight with cancer, though Paul didn't effect him too much. He stopped smoking cigs and got much healthier so cancer didn't take as much of a toll on him. Though he does still have a nasty scar from when they removed the tumour.

Of course, John Lennon survived. He was never shot.

Today, the mclennon pair celebrate their anniversary. Their wedding anniversary and the 'John never died' anniversary.

John did a few more albums but he mostly stayed home with Sean since he wasn't too accustomed to the studio life anymore.

Not to anybody's surprise, when presented the opportunity, he became Vine and Tik Tok famous. He's a grade-A shitposter and he's very happy with his title of "famous rock star and meme legend".

Paul on the other hand, doesn't love the shitposting all that much, but hey! What can you do?

Paul is still touring around the world, doing shows whenever he wants to. John joins him every once and a while for fun.

The crowds love them. The younger fans refer to them 'the gay grandparents' and they both love it. It's endearing to know your fans love and trust you so much. They pretty much are their grandchildren anyways with how they love them so much.

Even if they live the fans, it was a bit weird when some of them starting making these very sexual drawings and stories about them. But I mean... they weren't completely wrong about what happened behind closed doors...

Paul already had to go through finding out what mclennon was the hard way and now John had to too.

It didn't matter what the fans or haters thought of them. They still loved each other. Nothing could get in the way of that

Absolutely nothing

They're soulmates. It's been obvious since the 60s.

"Hey Paul?"

"Yes John?"

"I'm happy that things turned out different this time around. Without Randy, I would be dead for crying out loud!" A tear escaped his eye.

His slightly sadness didn't last for long as they laughed and reminisced on how stupid they were all those years ago for the rest of the night. They were proud of how far they've come.

"How about we play our song?"

They both understood and clinked they're champagne glasses. With one final look, they both got up and got their guitars.

"In spite of all the danger

In spite of all that may be...

I'll do anything for you

Anything you want me to

If you'll be true to me"

As the final chords rung out, they looked out at the falling snow.

"To the world"

"Yes... to the world... and each other"

Sorry that it's really short! Hope you all enjoyed because I certainly did! (Also did you guys catch the Good Omens reference??)

Should I have a spin off book of little adventure that they went through throughout the years? I think that would be fun!

Either way, I really hope you guys enjoyed! If only this was reality...

I have a new story for you guys that's coming out soon!

Love you all!

-606 words-

Peace and love, Andy :p

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