Randy gives up

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That picture is so damn cute 🥺 I don't know who the artist is but when I find out, I'll credit them!
This chapter took longer than usual to write because I'm so fuckin tired. My sister wakes up at 6am for work and wakes me up and I only go to sleep at midnight 😩
John's Pov

I heard a knock on the door. Randy wasn't there so I thought that it would be a good idea.

I got up and opened the door.
There he stood. Paul Mccartney.

I started to tear up. I couldn't believe my eyes and it looks like he couldn't believe his eyes either!


He looked the exact same after all these these years, mind a few wrinkles.

He looked deep in thought. It didn't last long before he attacked me with a massive hug.

"I don't even care if this isn't the real John. Just hug me back..."

We stayed like that for a good few minutes before I had to talk to him about everything.

"Paul, I have to explain all of this."

We sat down at Randy's kitchen table and I told him everything.
How I'm from the past and everything and I'm here to make things right for when I go back.

He sat there with face that could only be described as "he-was-just-told-his-father-died-and-then-smelt-a-bunch-of-shit" before he spoke up.

"So you're actually John? How do I know that you're real and not just fucking with me?"

I wasn't sure how to answer that. According to Randy, Paul had already told a bunch of stories from our past that most fans already know about.

"PARIS! I can tell you everything about Paris. Everything we hadn't told the public!"

"Go ahead..."

I spent the next 20 minutes explaining everything we did in perfect detail. It might have been decades, but I would never forget those fantastic days.

"Wow. I've never told anyone those stories. Only me, George, Ringo and John knew those stories... I guess you're actually him... I don't know how! It's impossible..."

He believed me! I can't believe it myself! I finally told someone!

Paul quickly gave me a punch in the arm "That's what you get for making me think you've been dead for forty years."

He pulled me into a hug and kissed me on the forehead "And that's what you get for finally coming back"

We sat there in each others company for what felt like years.
I completely forgot about everything except Paul. Yoko, Julian, Sean, Randy, everyone!

I was in pure bliss. The bliss didn't last long before the door opened and Randy stepped in.

"Oh fuck for fucks sake, John!"

I was shitting myself thinking about what Randy would say.

"You brought Paul fucking McCartney to our house when I told you not to tell anyone?! I can't believe you! I give up! I'm never going to be able to keep you from Paul. Did you tell him everything? It looks like you told him so I might as well explain in more detail"

Paul and I were cuddling and we hopped off each other with our faces beet red.

"So Paul, I'm going to skip the pleasantries. My name is Randy and I brought John to the future to save him from his terrible fate. I told John to not tell anyone because when I sent them back, they would remember everything and that's why I pulled him away from you yesterday. Now that you know about this, you are not to tell anyone. You got that?"

Paul was taken aback. "Yes I understand."

"Great. Now that you understand, you will be a great help in our plan. Keep John hidden and safe. When he is taken back to the past, you will be able to reconnect. Now, I recommend you guys lay low and relax while I head out and continue my construction of the 'time machine'. Have fun" he winked.

For the second time in ten minutes, both out faces were beet red.

Randy walked out the door.

"Well that was interesting..."

John and Paul reconnected!
Will the bliss last? Or will something fuck up their happiness?

Keep reading to find out!

Thanks for reading this far! Votes and comments are welcome! Love you all!

This one is kinda long.
-740 words-

Peace and love, Andy!

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