The Twist ch5

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(A/N! That picture is fuckin hilarious and I want you guys to look at it 💀💀)

Now that John had a plan, he had to figure out how to set it in motion. He had to somehow find Paul and then go back to the past. It was a great plan, but it was almost impossible.

Even if he told people, no one would listen! If someone told you that they were someone who was presumed dead for four decades, would you believe them?

Everything was going to be so difficult and how could he-

"Hello, Lennon."

John looked up, scared shitless.
How did someone know who he was? He was "dead"!

"I know what you're thinking. 'How does someone know who I am?' . Well.. let's just say this is my fault."

John was confused and angry.
"THIS WAS YOUR FAULT?? How could you do this to me-"


John immediately shut up and Randy sat next to him.

"My name is Randy. I 'saved' your life. You were supposed to die 40 years ago on December 9th. I saved you and I brought you to the year 2020 so that you can learn your lesson and so that you won't fuck everything up the second time around. Your life took a turn for the worst after you broke up the Beatles. Your job is to NEVER tell anyone. You will stay here until me and my corporation are able to send you back to 1980. Do you have any questions?"

There were many questions that I wanted to know. "Why didn't you just let me die? How does this all work? Won't I just immediately die once you send me back? Who is your 'corporation'? And what the FUCK are those baby televisions that everybody has?!"

"The were many reasons that I didn't let you die. Paul was heartbroken, the entire world cried for Christ sakes! I'm not letting that happen again. You deserve to fix your mistakes. When we eventually find a way to send you back, it will be 20 minutes before you were shot. Don't fuck it up.
Now about the corporation, we're just massive Beatles fan, who happen to be scientists."

John was mostly happy with those answers but he forgot something. "Ok that's good and all, but what the FUCK are those baby televisions?"

"Oh! Those are called 'smartphones'! They're like landlines except you can do so much more! I'm technically not able to go more into detail or I might fuck up the space time continuum."

'Well that settles that' thought a slightly confused John. 'It has been 40 years'

"Now, John. It's time we discuss more about what's going to happen. Follow me."

John had to trust his man. Even if his gut was saying that this was a bit sketchy .
John followed Randy to a van that was parked outside Central Park.

John thought it was kinda sketchy but we went along with it.
After about 30 minutes of driving, they found themselves at a nice, secluded restaurant.

They went inside and discussed their plans.

"... oh and we aren't completely sure how to get you back to the 80s"

A/N. this was one exciting chapter!
Do you think Randy should be trusted or does he have other motives?
Keep reading to find out!
I'm so fucking proud of everything I've made even if it's shit.
I love you guys!

-580 words-

Peace and love, Andy :)

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