The moment of truth

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This chapter is going to split up in two parts! Thank you all for sticking around long enough to read this! Love you all!
Randy's pov

We finally finished the 'time machine'! When we send John back, we will have to find a way to get him unconscious. You can only transport someone to the past the same way you brought them to the future and that was, unconscious. Since we can't shoot him, we'll have to find another way to knock him out.

When we send him back, this universe will no longer exist. Everything will just go back to the 80s. People will wake up with no recollection of the future and won't question anything.

We were all ready to go. We just had to wait for Paul to come over so that they can say goodbye to each other.

A knock came on the door and surprise, surprise, Paul was standing there.

John came out of my room and flung himself at Paul. "I hope everything goes smoothly.. I want to have a life with you" Paul was getting more confident and gave him a quick pec on the lips.

"Ok love birds, lets get this show on the road" They blushed and walked outside.

Since i didn't trust John near the time machine, I built it on a offsite location about an hour away from my house.

I loaded John and Paul into my car and we headed out. Jack and Mel were waiting for us there so when we got there, everything would be set up.


As we walked inside, both John and Paul stopped in their tracks.

"THAT'S the fucking time machine?! It's huge! No wonder it took you you damn long!"

(It's like the transporters from Star Trek except instead of teleporting you, in transports you back in time)

Paul looked at John and held his hands in his own and with a calm voice, barely above a whisper, said "So this is the end. If something goes wrong, I'll have to wait another 40 years just to tell you that I love you again.."

He kissed him before he left the room. He said that he couldn't be in the room while it happened. He was too scared to see John unconscious and to see his whole world unfold right beneath his feet.

"So John, I explained everything before but let's go over everything again. You will be unconscious when we send you back to the past. When you 'wake up', you will be at the studio you were at before you left and got shot. You have to tip off the police that a man is waiting outside your apartment building with a gun. He'll be reading a copy of "catcher and the rye". After that, you'll be Scott free. You got it?"

John was ready. "I got it Randy. Thank you for giving me another chance. Also, how are you going to knock me unconscious-"

A hard blow to the head with a phone book knocked him right out.
(A/n don't do this. I don't even know if this would knock him unconscious)

Randy quickly stood him up in a tube inside the time machine that they made for this exact purpose.

"Jack, Mel, are the setting all ready? Are we ready to save. John. Lennon?"

Two collective "yeahs" could be heard and randy knew that everything was ready. Paul was in the other room.

Before he switched the lever that would send John back to the past, a knock was heard on the door.
"This is the police. Open up"

"Oh fuck"

They all stopped like idiots. The door opened and three men dressed in uniform walked in. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing that you'll ever find out."

Randy quickly flipped the switch and watched as the police men ran out the door.

'Cowards.' He thought. "See you on the other side!"
They watched as the world around them crumbled. They all simultaneously passed out.


When Randy woke up, he was laying on the couch in his childhood home. He jumped up ran to his parents. "What day is is?!"

"December 9th... why?"

He ran out the house and ran around the front yard with the biggest smile his parents had ever seen.

'It worked! Let's hope John does everything as planned...'

Part two will be up shortly! Get ready for some of the last chapters!

-748 words-

Peace and love, Andy! :)

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