Chapter one

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"Mummy, good morning" I said in a sad tone. My mom was sitting at the small dining table in the kitchen. "Ah ah, is that how you'll greet your mother? Are we fighting?" She looked up seeing the sad expression on my face. "Oya, what is it?" She asked. "Mummy, my school fees has not been paid and we'll soon write our exams and if we don't pay by then, we'll be sent home" "but you know I don't have money, I'll see what I can do maybe I'll be able to get something from the goods I'll sell at the shop. Just eat that small bread in the fridge before you take a bath" she replied, although it wasn't a reassuring answer I managed to smile and go to the bedroom we all share and bath.
  So yeah, we don't live in a fancy big house or have a car, we even use public transport to go around but at least we have a roof over our heads and although it isn't enough, we are thankful to God.

  My name is Morenikeji Oluwatayo but my friends call me Keji. I'm dark and beautiful with really long and curly hair. I'm from Oyo state. My dad is a plumber and my mum is a petty trader. I'm seven years old and presently in primary two. Like I said before, no fancy house or car, nothing to even brag about because we still struggle to pay the rent in this little house of ours with only one bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen, don't imagine it. I even go to a public school here in Lagos state. Sometimes I try not to be so sad when I look at what my friends have but it's so hard.

  So I took a bath, wore my uniform which is a white long sleeve shirt and a green skirt reaching my knees. I took my school bag and went to meet mom. "Mummy, I'm ready to go, please transport fee and lunch money". I literally shouted while going to the kitchen. My school is a fairly close distance from my house but I can't walk there because I'll be so late. "Okay, check my purse you'll see one hundred and fifty Naira, take it and use fifty Naira as transport fee then the hundred Naira for lunch. You'll have to walk back home from school" she replied even though I already knew that would happen. I took the money and went off to school.

  So school starts at 7:30 AM with assembly then lessons by 8:00 AM and ends at 2:00 PM. I have to wake up by 6:00 AM every day to help mom in cleaning the house before getting ready for school. I arrived at 7:20 AM and got ready for assembly. "Keji, how far?" Emeka the most annoying boy in my class asked. "Emeka, I'm fine" "okay oh, this one you are answering me like this as if it is my fault they beat you at home" he replied "nobody beat me, Emeka just leave me alone oh" I said and went to stand in the first line for primary two pupils. I'm short so yes, I stayed in front to get a good view of the principal. Emeka stood in the second line beside me making noise and calling my name which I ignored throughout the assembly. Assembly was the usual way it always went, we start with a prayer, we sing the national anthem and pledge then the school anthem and pledge then the principal's speech. Mr. Johnson, the principal is fair in complexion and short with a really big pot belly and bald head too. He's an Igbo man and his accent is really strong but we still manage to hear what he says.

  The first period was mathematics then two periods of English language, and the next is Social studies before lunchtime.

At lunchtime, I went to the small kiosk we have in the school compound then went to the football field where my friends, Esther and Princess met me. We were watching the boys play football when the ball came flying in my direction and hit me. I fell down and hit my head, I was crying. "Ah ah, Benjamin how did you kick the ball in this direction?" I heard one of the players say "it was an accident" Benjamin, a primary four pupil replied. "If she gets wounded now, your parents will take her to a hospital besides her parents can't afford that" the other player beside Benjamin said. I didn't know if it was anger or sadness that took over me but I stood up forgetting the pain in my head and lunged towards the player just spoke and pushed him so hard he fell and hit his head also.

Princess and Esther tried to stop me but I was so angry to realise that the principal was behind me. He took us to his office and asked us to explain what happened which we did. He also called Benjamin and asked for his side of the story.

Benjamin and I knelt down under the sun for an hour while the other player, Richard knelt down for two hours as our punishment. The rest of the day just went because I didn't care anymore. When school ended, I didn't stop to talk to anyone, I just went straight home ignoring every other person walking near me.

Okay, boring right? But it gets better. Let me know what you think 🥰😘

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