Chapter eight

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Hiiiii, how has everyone been? I know this is so late and it was like I wasn't going to update, I'm sooooo sorry, I had somethings going on. I hope you forgive me 🥺.
I have a new update, please vote and comment 🙏 I beg you.

Na beg I dey beg o ( wipes fake tears). Enjoy this chapter. I hope you love it.

I entered my room and was shocked at what I saw, I gasped at the view in front of me.

My bedroom was full with different scents of shampoo oozing out of my bed and their empty bottles lying everywhere on the floor.
My clothes were on the floor, some were torn while others were in the bathtub soaked in water that was still running.

I stormed off to the twin's rooms ready to give them a piece of my mind but stopped when I saw Jeremiah shouting at them while they whimpered like they were innocent.

Mum stood there beside Jeremiah and their mum crossing her arms in front of them. I'm sure the witch was pretending again. I went back to my room to clean it up when Jeremiah walked in with the girls.

"Keji, leave the twins to clean your room up" he said.
"But I can do it" I protested.
"Don't worry, this is their punishment"

I nodded and left the room. I hope they won't cause more damage instead of cleaning the room.

The day passed by quickly with a delicious or should I say mouthwatering dinner of fried potatoes, plantain and eggs.

"Morenikeji, Katherine and Kate come downstairs, I have something to tell the three of you"Jeremiah called us from downstairs the next morning. What could he have to say now.

I heard the twins say "we're coming" and I joined in.
"I'm coming"I said and ran downstairs careful enough not to fall down the stairs.
"Sit down, all of you" we obeyed immediately. I have never seen Jeremiah's bad side and today was not the day.

"I'm going on a business trip in the next two days and I would like all of you to behave yourselves, no fighting. All of you are sisters......."those last words made the twins faces cringe like I was like some kind of dirt.

"I've spoken to your mothers and have given them the permission to punish the three of you regardless of who the mother is and I'm quite sure you wouldn't like that, right?" We nodded "so please do not give them reasons to do so" he concluded and pecked each of us.

He dismissed us to our rooms. I sat on my bed to think about what would happen now. Surely, when that witch and her minions try to do anything bad, mum will stop her. I tried to reassure myself but I had this sick feeling that something terrible was about to happen, I don't know what but I could feel it somehow.

Breakfast was early and it was a meal of pancakes and honey with orange juice. I ate so much I thought I wouldn't be able to stand up because it had been like forever since I ate pancakes.
I even saw the twins whispering or rather gossiping about how I was eating but Jeremiah just laughed and told me to eat till I was full.

I started school today too. The name of the school is Victory Heights Primary school and it had nothing to do with my old school. It was big with a large playground and fields with flowers around and large classes too.
It's a private school.

I didn't have much to do in school just introductions to some topics of different subjects that I used to do and a tour round the school.
I like the school already especially the uniform which is a white long sleeve shirt worn underneath a purple overall gown slightly above my knees with long white socks and a pair of black shoes.

The twins and I go there now, I just hope they won't cause trouble especially for me.

Dun dun dun..💃 chapter eight done. So what do you think? Why is Morenikeji so scared? What do you think would happen? How terrible will it be?
Comment below, vote and please please please share. Support ya girl. I love y'all have a blessed day or night, whatever the time is wherever you are. See ya next time which will not be long.❤️🌚😘

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