Chapter four

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    There she was, on the bed crying helplessly. "Mummy, what happened?" I asked fighting the tears forming in my eyes. She quickly wiped the tears off her face with the back of her left palm "nothing" she replied even though I could still see tears in her eyes.
I went over to sit beside her and quickly took the letter from her hand and read it. It was from dad. I didn't care to read the address, I just went straight to the body.
It read:
"Linda, I have come to realize that our unending arguments and misunderstandings will not end and I can't live with this. You and I both know the reason but incase you have forgotten allow me to bring it back to your memory.
  We were forced to get married because we made a mistake and you got pregnant which led to this miserable marriage even though we weren't ready. Don't get me wrong I love Morenikeji very much but it's best if we get divorced to find peace of mind and happiness. I want a divorce and I hope you grant my wish without hesitation
                         Yours truly,
This is absurd and ridiculous. "Your father has been cheating on me, he's just using this as an excuse to leave the marriage" my mum said still crying "Mummy, if this is how love is, then I don't want it" I said "no no, love is beautiful when you're with the right person, I wasn't with the right person well, at first I thought I was but then I realized I was never with the right person" she replied.
Mummy is really strong even with this large hole in her heart, she still believes in love. I hugged her tightly and said "it's going to be fine, mummy, just hold on". I'm watching my mum break down and I can't do anything about it. Now I understand what mum meant when she said "for this girl's sake" but daddy didn't care, he never did.
  The weekend passed slowly with all the sadness loitering about in the air like a thick cloud. I went to school like every other week day. Monday was long and boring plus I kept thinking of what would become of mum and I now, so I didn't really pay attention to my lessons throughout the day.
I went home immediately after school had closed and found mum sleeping. She didn't go to her shop today, at least she's finally able to sleep.
  Tuesday and Wednesday passed quickly but Thursday was different.
After school had closed, I saw mum sitting beside a man on a bench outside the house, I could tell he was rich from his clothes.
He looked at me and smiled "Hi, I'm Chief Jeremiah Okereke" he said. Mum rarely has visitors so I was surprised but I smiled back "my name is Morenikeji" I replied and went inside. I was starving so I went inside and found some cooked spaghetti and boiled egg. I ate and went to bed.

  I woke up at 4:30 PM and saw mum staring at me. "Keji listen, that man you saw there is going to be your new dad" mum said. Shock is an understatement for what I was feeling. "Why?" I asked, I didn't really know the question I was asking. "I can't afford anything for you and I want you to finish school, Keji, I want you to be happy and that man is willing to make that happen" she replied desperately "no, I'm happy with you, I don't need his money or anything, besides that man looks far more older than you" I replied with worry laced in my voice. "You won't understand, I'm going to be the second wife of that man" she replied although displeased with her own self. I opened my mouth to speak but she beat me to it "it's final, I wasn't asking for permission I was telling you" she said in a harsh voice.

I'm sooooo sorry for the late update 🤧. Thanks for giving this story a chance, you won't regret it. Please vote and comment 🙏😘❣️.
Love ya❣️❣️♥️

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