Chapter eleven

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Another update today, let's go🌚

  When Julie tried to hug me, I pulled away quickly. I only wanted mummy's hugs, I yearned for it and just it.

What if she would never give me those hugs again?
I shook those thoughts away.

  When the ambulance took her away, I wanted to run after her I had reached the door but Julie stopped me and when I cried louder, she forced a hug on me and told one of the maids to take me inside the house.

"Oh poor thing, she'll come back to both of us" Julie said and surprisingly looked sad. It was impossible to think she was pretending and I believed her too.
One of the maids took me inside and hugged me, I felt comfortable with her.

"Have you eaten?" She asked.
I shook my head no "I'm not hungry"I said still crying.
"Please eat, your mummy would want you to eat and look healthy so do it for her" she said.
And I ate.

On a normal day, the food would have been delicious in my mouth especially since it was fried rice with chicken and orange juice but it was tasteless for me.

"My name is Oluwatobiloba Gabriel but you can call me Tayo" she said smiling"and I know you're Morenikeji right?" I nodded.
"Such beautiful girl with a lovely name" she said. She looked gentle and amiable.

There was a look I couldn't decipher on her face but it was gone like it wasn't even there.
She took me to my room and hugged me till I slept off.

  I woke up with a headache due to all the crying I've been doing lately and I was really thirsty.
I slowly got out of bed first, I put one leg on the floor and then the other. I looked up to see the twins staring at me with sad eyes. I was startled, how long have they been there?

"What are you doing here"
"We are sorry for your loss" they both said at the same time.
"What are you saying? My mum is not dead" I was half screaming half talking and I could feel tears well up in my eyes.
They came closer but I moved back.

"Please go away, I want to be alone"I said in a quiet voice but they didn't bulge instead they sat down on the bed right beside me.

"What if you hurt yourself?I have a friend who did that because her mum died" Katherine said in a quiet voice.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Julie came in.

"Three of you, downstairs" we looked at her in shock "now!!" She shouted, we ran for dear lives.
  She told the twins to sit on the dinning table and then she took me away from them to the sitting room.
"Pack your things, you're leaving your room" she said.

Please please please vote, comment and share. Help ya girl 🙏. These things encourage me to continue writing.♥️

Yet another Cinderella (Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora