Chapter thirty-one

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Richard's POV

"You should take things slow, rest and you will be fine. You can go now" Dr Yahaya said. I was discharged and taken home. The ride home was quiet although Keji, my dad and Adamu were in the car with Rashidi driving.
Yes I got my car back.

I didn't realize how much I missed home until I stepped into the house. I met Keji's bodyguard who are I forgot was still working in the house.

"Uhm, what's your name again?"
"Teslim, sir"
"Take a day off"
"Okay, sir"
Dad and Adamu sat on a couch flipping through channels on the TV. Keji went to the kitchen to cook lunch and I followed.
I hugged her from behind and kissed her on her neck.

"Hey baby, thank you so much for staying with me in the hospital and now. I hope you will always stay even when I'm at my worst"
"Richard, I put you in that situation so I should take care of you at least. Now go and rest in your room"
"You didn't cause anything. Please stop saying that"
"Okay now go before you let me burn this food"
"I'm quite a distraction, huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows and smirked.
"You wish"
"Deny it all you want, you know I distract you"
"Richard, leave now" she pointed to the door leading to the sitting room but she was blushing. I chuckled and went to the sitting room.

"Adamu, dad. Thank you for taking care of me while I was in the hospital. Adamu, you're a good friend and I owe you. I owe both of you"
"You owe me nothing, man" Adamu replied smiling
"I'm your father, what do you expect? By the way, we need to do a video call with your mum and sister. They are dying to see you"
"Yeah, sure. How about after lunch?" I replied.
"I'll take my leave now" Adamu said.
"Stay for lunch"
"I have some work to do and I'm not hungry right now"
"Oh okay, I'll just walk you out then"
I walked him to the door.

I'm aware 18th of March is his birthday and that's two months from now. There is definitely going to be a party.

"What do you want for your birthday?" I asked him.
"I don't know, I can't think of anything" he replied looking quite unsure.
"I'm not going to make a surprise party but there's going to be a party, I'll tell you the venue"
"You don't have to"
"Adamu, I want to. You're my best friend, nobody has stuck with me like you and I want to appreciate you so invite your friends and colleagues immediately I tell you the venue"
"Richard, I... I'm speechless"
"You deserve this"
"Thank you so much, I'll go now"

He left. Wait, does he have a car? I've not seen him in his car and his last one was smashed in an accident which he thankfully escaped with little injuries.
Story for another day.

I went to my room and rested a little before Keji came to call me for lunch. We ate a very spicy spaghetti and beef with some vegetable salad. Keji is such a good cook.

"So Keji, tell me about yourself"
"Dad, does it have to be now?" I asked.
"No, I'll tell him"
So she did. She told him all about herself and I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes but he blinked it away repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry, I've been hard and unbearable to you. You have suffered so much and I was adding to your problems"
"You didn't know, it's alright you have nothing to be sorry for"

While this whole conversation was going on, I just sat there quietly imagining what she has put up with her whole life at such a young age and it just makes me angry no matter how many times I hear it.

We finished lunch and called mum and Theresa. I introduced Keji to them and they love her. Theresa kept talking about how they would go shopping together and all those girls stuff..... Ish.

The day went smoothly with Keji forcing me to stay in bed while she does everything for me.
Soon it was night, we ate dinner and went to bed. I dismissed the urge to ask Keji to sleep beside me because I can't trust myself to keep my hands to myself.
I hope our lives keep going well like this, thankfully, my dad let me stay here instead of going back and God willing, if Keji and I last longer, I'll manage the office here.

But will we last longer? Will she get tired of me? I hope not because I've fallen head over heels for her.

Please vote 🙏 comment and share 🙏. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a blessed day or night 💖

Yet another Cinderella (Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ