Kabanata 30

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I'll cry na. We're on Symphony of the Seas last chapter! It's a long and tough ride but here we are now. I hope you enjoyed reading their story as much as I enjoyed writing them. Please take a moment and watched the trailer we made for The Lost Island's tale  first before proceeding in this chapter (click the media above) sana you'll like it.

This is 9K+ words, my hand's a bit shaky but I am glad to finish it with you, Archers. You can join our twitter celebration later with the hashtag #SOTSHulingLayag and let me know your reactions about this story (Please, i wanna read those hehe) Enjoy. This is unedited like super, my hand's shaking and it's long kaya I can't edit na.


Kabanata 30

I pointed the gun on my head and moved my finger towards the trigger but before I could pull, I heard gunshots near me.

"Guinevere!" One firm call of my name and my eyes opened, only to see a helicopter near me.

My eyes landed beside me and a gasp left my lips when I saw the guards who ran after me are now lying on the ground.

"W-Who the hell—" My eyes widen when I saw Giovanni, who's already kneeling on the ground screamed and one more shot on the shoulder, he fell on the ground.

"Drop the gun!" My eyes went back on the helicopter approaching and my tears fell when I saw Vioxx with Warrion beside him.

"G! Lower the gun!" Warrion exclaimed and I panicked, my hand shook, still couldn't realize what have I done and the gun fell from my hand.

"O-Oh my God..." I whispered, shaking, with tears falling down my cheek. I feel on the ground, glance at my shaking hands, remembering what I almost did to myself.

The wind blew harshly because of the approaching helicopter.

My tears fell like waterfalls, my body is shaking, my eyes landed on the red flower beside me and I saw how it's in the verge of plucking out from the ground.

I watched how the helicopter made its way towards me and my knees are shaking, I can't almost breathe. My heart is aching and I saw how Warrion immediately jumped from the helicopter, not afraid of jumping on the cliff and walked towards me.

"G," he called, offered his hand at me and I looked at his palm and cried again.

"Come on, G." Warrion said softly, lowering his body and knelt in front of me.

"I..." My lips quivered.

"Come on, it's okay, we're not gonna hurt you." He said and I watched his hand again.

"You know us, right? I'm War and Vioxx is there, come on." He said.

I shifted my gaze and saw Vioxx smiled at me.

"It's okay, G. We'll help you, come on." He said.

Slowly, I lifted my hand and took Warrion's. I saw him smiled, immediately touched my arm and help me stand.

My knees wobbled, I can feel the lump on my throat and walked with Warrion towards the helicopter but gasped when I felt pain on my stomach.

I let go of War's hand and touched my stomach, I almost fell but War caught me and helped me.

"G!" He exclaimed.

"B-Blood," I glanced at Vioxx and I saw him staring wide eye on my feet and slowly, I lowered my gaze and my heart hammered inside my chest when I saw how blood fell in between my legs.

"I..." I muttered, felt dizzy and the last thing I saw is the panicking Vioxx and I lost my consciousness.

It was the kind of feeling that you'll keep on wishing it's only a dream. The kind of things you are hoping to be just a scary dream, a nightmare perhaps where you could wake up and nothing has ever happened but it's not.

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