Polaroid [6]

550 22 8

The cold breeze of the night wind blows across the country.

The smokey scent from the asphalt from spending days and days under the sun crunched softly as footsteps cross their was on the pavement.

With his hands in his pockets Shoto Todoroki, walked of back home from an eventful day he spent with the purple haired girl.

The thought of seeing her again brought a smile to his face, which instantly evaporated when met with the open door to his traditional Japanese home.

Towering over him with arms crossed and a stern face was once again the walking blowtorch who calls himself his father, it was an overused name but Shoto is quite fond with it.

"Where have you been?" Endeavor boomed, staring at Shoto like he was prey.

The red and white haired boy scowled, pushing past the flame hero and marching off to his room like an angsty teenager. "Out." He said shortly ignoring the yells he received.

Shoto had a good day today, and he wasn't letting his father ruin the rest of it.

Even if it means enduring extra hellish training tomorrow.


The soft sound of pen against paper resonates the cream colored room, as Akira Kaneki sat on her desk, headphones on and a small smile displayed on her face as she sketches.

Day6's song, Love Me or Leave Me from their Album The Book of Us: The Demon was playing, the Purple haired girl hummed along to it as she shades in a few more details to her drawing.

"That's a pretty drawing sis~"

Visibly flinching and making the pen draw a short but horrible line across the face, Akira glared at her sister who disturbed her moment of peace.

Scowling at the line marking itself on the left side Kim Taehyung's face the gray eyed girl turned to her purple eyed older sister with a pissed expression.

"What now Ichika?" She demanded, not really keen on being teased about Shoto again.

The black and white haired girl grinned, "Dad wanted me to call you down for dinner, he made soba!"

Akira's mind wandered over to a particular red and white haired male who likes cold soba.

She weakly stared at Ichika a timid smile now appearing on her face. "I've... Had enough soba for today, Shoto and I got that for lunch." She murmured the last part but alas, her sister heard it all.

The purple eyed girl faked a gasp grabbing her younger sister's arm and dragging her out of her room.

"One can't get enough of soba! Your husband will be disappointed when he hears you utter those words again!" Ichika chants half dragging half pulling the flustered girl behind her.

"W- wait---- husband?! ICHIKA YOU KNOW IM WEDDED TO EREN------"

Ichika skidded to a stop, a smirk making its was across her face.

"Oh? But I didn't mention any name, did I?"

Akira paled, weakly tugging her wrist back with little to no effort.

"I... Walked into my own trap... Haven't I?" She asked as her black and white haired sister continued to drag her to the kitchen.



Begrudgingly walking back to her desk, Akira entered her room with feeling more tired than ever.

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