Polaroid [28]

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Todoroki was frustrated. With himself, his father (as usual) and with the chief police of Hosu. After that long fight against the hero killer, they were assisted and taken to the hospital.

He got riled up arguing with the chief police after the three of them (him, Iida and Midoriya) used their quirks against the hero killer without permission not supervision, and was scolded afterwards.

His mind wandering elsewhere, he half listened to the chief as he thanked them for their heroic service.

"You should've started with that." Shoto scowled a tad bit embarrassed he lashed out like that.

"Where's Akira?" He questioned before any of the adults could leave.

The chief mentioned that the girl wasn't in trouble earlier since she actually got permission from her mentor, however no news of her condition was shared ever since the fight.

Manual (Iida's mentor) smiled sadly "Kaneki?" He confirmed "She's unconscious but in stable condition, the girl lost a lot of blood (and an arm), it's a miracle she's still alive."

"Hopefully by afternoon she can regain consciousness, at least that's what her Doctor said." Gran Torino continued.

The three males nodded curtly understanding the condition of their purple haired friend.

And with that they can breathe as the nightmare like fight with Stain comes to an end.


Sliding the door open after his talk with Uraraka on the phone, Midoriya was quick to notice the tense atmosphere between Iida and Todoroki as he approached the two closing the door to their room behind him.

He opened his mouth to talk to the blue haired male about his conversation with the girl when Todoroki abruptly cut him off.

"Midoriya," interrupted the bi-colored haired male "Iida just got his diagnosis."


"My left hand..." Iida started "Might have permanent damage."

"Permanent damage...?"

"Both my arms were badly injure but the left is severe." He explained

Iida then discussed how getting a surgery and therapy might help him a bit but he decided to reject that until he cleared his head and started acting like a true hero.

As a reminder of his selfish actions, he is determined to keep it as a battle scar until he can prove he is worthy of being a hero.

Midoriya clenched his fist looking down at his own collection of scars.

"Iida," the greenette started "Let's get stronger together."

"I'm sorry." Shoto said out of the blue making the two look at him confused.

"Whenever I'm involved," he started slowly, "someone's hand becomes injured or something... Is this a curse...?"


Chaos erupted.

The second those words left his mouth, both Iida and Midoriya fell into boisterous laughter. They commented on how they didn't expect Todoroki to make a joke and the latter complied saying he might be "The Hand Crusher" or something earning more laughter from the two.

"I don't know what I missed but Hand Crusher is a fitting hero name Shoto" a familiar voice laughed teasingly making the boys' laughter come to a stop.

Akira grinned at the raising her left arm and giving them a wave "yo!"

They studied her appearance, over her hospital gown she was wearing an oversized navy blue hoodie with a finger heard logo in front, her hair was messy and undone, the hoodie's right sleeve was limp - as they observed but nevertheless she welcomed herself into their room with a carefree smile.

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