Polaroid [14]

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"Villains?" Kirishima asked in disbelief looking at the huge crowd of thugs approaching them. "Are they dumb? Attacking a hero school like this..."

Akira narrowed her eyes scanning the situation before her. "Mr. Aizawa I'm your sidekick today!" She declared.

Eraserhead turned to the girl and shook his head "Stay put Akira!" He scolded.

Momo worriedly looked at Thirteen "what about the alarm sensors?"

"Of course we have those set up" replied the rescue hero "but----"

"Is this the only place they've infiltrated?" Todoroki interjected making all eyes go to him. "If that's the case the sensors aren't responsible."

"It must be someone's quirk." The gray eyed girl scowled. "Their only target is All Might so it's safe to assume that USJ is the only place littered with villains."

"A place isolated from school premises, at a time a class is scheduled, they are fools but they aren't dumb. Like Akira said, they have a solid objective." Shoto remarked.

"Thirteen evacuate the students, and try to contact the school." Said Eraserhead preparing himself for Battle. "These villains are prepared for the sensors, so they may interfere with the signal." (Trying to let you know, sign을 보내 signal 보내)

"Kaminari," he turned to the electric quirked boy. "Try contacting the school with your quirk."

"A- ah yes.." muttered the blond and getting on to work.

"Sir!" Called Midoriya "Will you fight them yourself?" He asked worriedly "even if you erase their quirks there's a lot of them! Eraserhead's battle style is to capture after suppressing their quirk, in conclusion, if the battle starts now..." He trailed of buy Mr. Aizawa cut him off.

"You can't be a hero with just one trick." He then turned to the other teacher among the crowd. "Thirteen, I'm counting on you."

The dark haired pro hero then leapt into battle his long scarf unraveling (I hear boss music- oshiete-) before him.

Akira's gaze followed Aizawa's distanced figure debating if she would jump in and fight with him.

"Let's go." Shoto muttered from beside her pulling her by the hand as the class run off to the exit.

"Im afraid I can't let you do that."

The purple vortex guy, now informally introduced as Kurogiri appeared before them, blocking them from reaching the door.

"Greetings and salutations, we are the League of Villains, we have humbly welcomed ourselves into Yuuei High School in order to have All Might, the symbol of peace, take his last breath."

The purple haired protagonist tched, her free hand flicking sparks about of ignite, but she felt a bigger hand squeeze her smaller one in attempt to calm her down so her ability won't act on its own.

"I heard that he was supposed to be here today, was there an extraneous variable that caused the change?" Kurogiri wondered aloud. "Well, nevertheless, I came to do my job..."

Just as Thirteen was about to use his/her (idk anymore) quirk, Bakugou and Kirishima jumped right into action ready to attack the vortex man.

"Did you think we won't put up a fight?" Taunted the red haired male after he and the ash blond fired an explosion and attacked the warp gate together.

"Move away you two!" Thirteen warned

"The reason I'm here is to scatter and beat you all to death."

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