Polaroid [25]

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"Shoto," Fuyumi called "Where are you going?"

"The Hospital." The latter replied slipping on his shoes, Fuyumi's eyes widen. "Why all of a sudden?" She asked curiously. "Wait---- Shoto, don't you need to tell father?" She said frantically.


"Why do you want to see her after all this time?"

Sliding the door open, "I'll be going now." Shoto told his sister before shutting the door behind him, ignoring her constant questions.

He walked through the familiar neighborhood on his way to the hospital to visit his mother, after a long time.

As he walked distant memories of his childhood resurfaced, bringing back painful memories that grew him into who he is today.

He reached the hospital and asked the receptionist for his mother's room number.

He reached her door and inhaled, preparing himself.

Shakily reaching for the handle, Shoto gently pushed the door open to reveal, a beautiful woman with long white hair, looking out the window.

"Mom." He muttered as she turned around, gazing at him with a kind smile.



I decided to see my mom today.
I'm nervous, but... I think overcoming this will be a stepping stone for me.
I also want to save her.

Jang Man Wol :P
Really? I'm proud of you Sho! If you want you can drop by the cafe, I can ask Ichika to prepare something special for the both of you!

Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline. However on another time, would you like to visit with me? I'd like her to meet you.

Jang Man Wol :P
Awe, okay then, and are you sure? You want me to meet your mom? (・o・)

I am certain. Although... Are you not at the cafe today?

Jang Man Wol :P
I'm at home actually, mom and dad want me to relax for the week (◠‿・)—☆

I see, well I'm at the hospital now, goodbye.

Jang Man Wol :P
Alrighty, bye Sho! ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

Laying on her bed as she read through their text, Akira smiled hugging her pillow.

Shoto has come a long way and she was glad he was getting closure of what happened in his childhood. It was a slow burn but he was getting there.

She exited the chat and opened another app.

"What should I watch now..." She murmured.

She grinned as she saw a particular show on her list, she was wanting to watch it for a long time now but missed the chance.

"He Is Psychometric it is then!"


Halfway into the fifth episode, a soft knock resonated from her door.

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