ƎᗡOƆ 𝟺| Mysteries of untold words

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She quickly took the CD from the ground and went up to get her laptop. As soon as she found it, after waiting for it to power on, she opened the disk drive and put it inside the laptop. And kept on waiting for it to start.

I wonder what more I've to find out about my parents...

She has always been a still and calm person as a rock and is capable of taking in everything without wasting any energy neither physically nor mentally. But this situation was beyond everything and it snatched away all her limits!





I just can't wait-

Cutting all her anxious thoughts, the video started on the screen and nothing, but a dark screen appeared in front of her along with ear piercing sounds.

"Wha- What's this.....?"

She tried to restart it, but nothing changed. In anger and defeat, her fingers pressed the mouse and fortunately, the video fast-forwarded about 1 minute and a voice boomed in the room with that nonsense noise as a bgm. Immediately pausing the video, she put on her headset and started it again.

For the first 1 minute, nothing could be heard or seen. But she kept her cool within herself and waited...

[The video has nothing for about 1 min as the chapter said, but if you drag about 45 mins or so, the voice can be heard. Hear it and subs are given, just go to settings and 'on' it. Adjust the sound as needed. Duh, it'll be nerve hitting situation for yall to listen, but there're few parts where some external sounds are coming and those are clues...so listen carefully.]

Her eyes widened...and she immediately looked at the watch on her counter table. The clock was striking to 12:50 AM. And indeed...its her birthday! 

"How....j-just....how come....?"

Her words got jammed in her throat, as lot of emotions took over her- fear, anger, shock, sadness, everything! Goosebumps ran all throughout her body and she slowly backed away from her laptop. 

"This is impossible.....!"


"This- This is imp- IMPOSSIBLE!" He breathed out as loudly as he could. Maybe because it was his last words or...shock?

His limp body lay in the pool of his blood on the dark street as a sinister grin played on the viewer's lips, or...should I say...a Thanatos? The dark hooded figure just faded with satisfaction in his heart in the dark, just like he arrived from the dark. 

But the speed changed everything.

A paper slide down from the tip of his two fingers and fell on the victim's chest like a feather...those evil numbers...Again!



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[ Video credits to @Bangtale ]


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