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After the incident at the cafeteria, everyone left me alone.

Well everyone except Rex.

The guy still follows me around.

And we always have the same class.

After school, I headed to my car to see the guys waiting for me.

Neil had packed his car close to mine and Kate's was close to his.

"I nearly fell prey to your car" Mary muttered.

I grinned sheepishly, "good thing you remember".

I deactivated the teaser mode and leaned on the car.

"So how come no one told me that Mrs Michael is the principal?".

Dave facepalms "totally skipped my mind".

"Did you guys talk"


"Your adopted parents must be real rich to get this car, or maybe you're just good in bed"

Not this dumbass again Cora groaned.

I turned to see mark and Theo before us.

"Yeah, how about we go for a test drive to know if you're worth the car", Theo snickered.

I stood straight and turned to Dave,

"Race you to the house guys"

Damien came forward, "guys stop it, that's obviously a touchy subject".

But Mark wasn't going to be ignored,

"Why, cause they're dead. Maybe she killed them herself, that explains why she's here".

I literally saw red, I turned back to Mark.

"What did you just say?"

Damien pulled Mark back,

"Stop it Man, you're going too far".

Shrugging him off Mark came forward,

"I said you probably killed them, true isn't it?"

And that was it.

I snapped.

So fast he didn't see it coming I punched him.

Before he could get his footing I kicked him down and straddled him.

I threw punch after punch on his face, the sound of his face breaking did nothing to appease my anger.

Cora was in need for more.

Gripping his neck I flung him to his car, the impact smashing the car in.

I could hear the distinct sound of people screaming and asking to separate us.

But I wasn't done.

I sped to where he lay on the floor and continued smashing his already healing face.

Calling on the dark side of my power I punched his stomach with my claws and released a venom in his body.

Before I could finish him off, I felt someone flinging me off him.

I flipped mid air and landed on my feet.

It was Rex, he stood protectively before Mark.

"Aurora stop it", he commanded in his alpha voice.

Being a born alpha I didn't submit.

"Get out of the way", I growled.

I felt Theo coming behind me, but before he could hit me.

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