𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐭.𝐨𝐧𝐞

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It's 10 and it's raining in here, it's very a mood for a BTS chilly playlist, some cuddles my dog and sleeps ಥ‿ಥ yes!


"Thought you will be alittle bit busy today." Jungkook says putting his hands inside his pockets and look over to Taehyung which is on his side.

"Im not a little bit busy...I am VERY busy, Jungkook." Students were confusing wether they were fighting or not, because Taehyung was screaming his lungs out earlier because of Jungkook and now they were actually talking like there's nothing happened.

"Then where are you going?" Jungkook was confused when Taehyung stops and irritatedly look at him, whilst doing his signature rolled eyes. "Why are you still bothering me?" It made Jungkook frowned even more when Taehyung turn around, going in the other way.

"Hey hey!" Jungkook shouted making some of the students turn around, actually expecting Jungkook called out for them but no. He is calling Taehyung.

"I told you...Im not going to bother you but I'll never leave you alone.", The students made a cooing sound but some more scoffed and huffed rolling their eyes in the younger's statement.

It made Taehyung rolled his eyes too and he doesn't know how many times he did it this whole weekdays with Jungkook.

Jungkook always in his side eversince he told him to not bother him anymore but he did, he didn't bothered him but he didn't stay away either. Taehyung was furious as first, but he likes it that much when Jungkook is in his side.

He would also help when needed, he would carry the boxes in places where Taehyung wanted them to, Jimin helped too, but he would always go home when it's already pass seven, ofcourse Yoongi is there to drive him home.

Taehyung immediately walk out infront of him as he walked inside the library, Jungkook immediately walk in as well when Taehyung slammed quietly the door in his face.

"Hey there, Kim." The one assigned greeted and Taehyung just smiled before looking at the big clock.

6 sharp and the library will be closed.

Jungkook was just behind him as he look over books by books. "Bored, isn't it?" Taehyung blurted out and Jungkook look at him before smiling warmly, not gonna lie, Taehyung's knees wobbles because of how genuine his smiles look like.

"It is, but im with you so it's even."

Taehyung maybe cringe a little at how cheesy it is but didn't really think it would make him feel flattered and all. He have heard from everyone of his flings at how cheesy Jungkook is but he didn't know it would make him feel like some sort of, butterflies in his stomach.

He thinks they liked to play inside when Jungkook throws some pick up lines and cheesy states. Not mention those electric shocks inside his body whenever they would touch eachother's hands and every part of their body.

It's strange for Taehyung but, he feel like it.

"Your sidechicks are right. You are disgustingly cheesy." Jungkook pouted but still he laugh as they both walk again, Taehyung was finding something.

"Not disgusting just cheesy." Jungkook says and continue on following Taehyung. It would be a lie when Taehyung says, he isn't hurt when Jungkook didn't say anything about the sidechicks. He didn't even say it wasn't true.

So maybe, Taehyung is hurt or maybe it wasn't just maybe. He was hurt surely.

Jungkook would admit, Taehyung was important for him now. He don't know why but it feels like he should be there with him, he feels like he should be helping him with anything else he please.

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