Needing A Plan

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A/N: It's all coming together now... Blood...

Roman sat up in the bed. "What'cha need, nerd?"

"I believe Remus is hiding something. Has he told you anything suspicious?"

"Not that I can recall. No." Roman rolled his eyes, annoyed at the question. "You always assume he did something wrong."

"It was merely a hypothesis." The logical side cleared his throat. "Also... Um... What does love feel like..?"

"Oooooh! Is someone in love~"

"Nevermind. I'll be leaving now."

Roman immediately regretted his comment. "Wait. Who is it? I mean, I'd guess Patton but-"

"Goodbye Princey," Logan said bitterly before leaving.

Days later...

Remus paced around in his room. He had one week to do it and he still didn't have a plan. He'd thought of telling Janus, Virgil, or... Heck, even Roman. But he knew none of them would understand. 

He didn't want to lose Janus.

He sat down in a chair, thinking. He was never the smartest or the wittiest but he had to figure this out. For Janus' sake.

An idea popped into his head. He might as well test it out. He sunk out to the imagination and summoned a realistic-looking Patton. He used to kill him thousands of times a day in the imagination. Why hadn't he thought of this?

He summoned his mace and beat the Patton look-alike to a pulp. A nice crimson flooded the floor. Remus licked the blood off his fingers, smiling. His smile faded, knowing he needed a plan, not a stress-reliever. 

He figured he'd have to get the job done quickly. One quick swipe with his morning-star and he could run and hide. He wasn't usually the kind to run from his problems but he couldn't help but think of everyone's reaction.

He'd have to do it in the early morning when no one is awake. Patton usually gets up early to make breakfast so it'd be a perfect time.

Remus went back to his room, hearing a knock at his door. "Come in..."

The door creaked open and Janus walked in, seeing Remus covered in blood.

"What the hell!?"

"Oh don't worry, it's not mine."

"How is that supposed to make me feel better!? Who's is it?"

"Not mine."

"Remus I swear-"

"I have to kill Patton."

Janus sat next to Remus, confused. "What?"

Remus looked down, playing with his sash. "I have to kill Patton..."


"I just have to, okay!?"

Deceit gave Remus a concerned look. He didn't usually snap at him. Something was wrong.

"Remus... I want to help. What's wrong?"

He mumbled something inaudibly. Janus rubbed Remus' back.

"If I don't kill him... Inver will kill you..."


A/N: aCk something's gonna happen soon-

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