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I might seem like an open book, but there's things people don't know. I'm quiet sometimes, but I assure you there's a lot I want to say.

I'm labeled as the "perfect child", but I get belittled a lot. I seem a "know it all", but I've just learned a lot that I shouldn't have known. I come off as "annoying and up tight or messed up", but really I've seen a lot that I shouldn't have. I have the reputation of "crazy", but really I'm just passionate and care a lot. I can be "clingy", but really I've just had people leave me and hold on extra tight to the ones I want to stay. I come off as "difficult", but really I'm trying to heal and sometimes I battle my own self. I seem "too critical", but truth is I'm just scared of being hurt. I come off as "too picky", but honestly I just want to be treated right. I tend to freak out over the little things, but I've just learned that sometimes the little things can lead to bigger things. I am known to "get sad a lot", but truth is I've been through things I shouldn't have and sometimes it all gets too heavy. I have a habit of sometimes not being able to take jokes, but really sometimes my anxiety tells me otherwise. My mind is known to be  "messy", but really there's just a lot in there. I get told I "overreact", but I really just feel everything deeply.

At the end of the day God is there and He knows. Only God knows what you've been through and what hurts you the most. He knows what other people don't. He was there with you during the events that made you who you are today. He knew in that very moment that although you may struggle later, you will become a better person because of it. You're not a mess. You're not an inconvenience. You're not a bad person. You're perfectly imperfect, made in the image and likeness of God. He made you, you. And if you ever feel unloved or not understood, remember He loves you and He above all people understand because He himself has been through it all. Pray and stay patient and trust His journey for you even when it gets hard.

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