Chapter One

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Kendal Clark, 23

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Kendal Clark, 23

My bronzed toes dug deep into the white, grainy sand as I tipped my head back to enjoy the warm rays of the impending sunset. I closed my eyes, making a silent wish to start the summer over. It'd passed by entirely too quickly and the realities of adult life were becoming more visible with each passing minute.

The past two months had been nothing short of perfect. It'd been the best way to unwind from the stresses of college, and not to mention, the messy breakup with my longtime boyfriend, Dan Franklin.

Dan was making the front page of every sports magazine in our state. He played for the university back home, West Haven. The skills he had with a baseball were unmatched, and everyone knew it. There wasn't a doubt from any local sports enthusiast or coach that he would be playing professionally in his near future.

But with many great professional successes comes personal sacrifices. And that sacrifice was the future of our relationship. There were so many things we used to talk about that didn't seem to be listed as a top priority any longer.

All the normal conversations that a couple had about growing old together, such as where we wanted to live, how many kids we'd have, were all put in the 'to be continued' pile of unimportant topics.

As his undeniable skills became more and more evident to the professional teams, there was less talk about us a couple and more conversations about his athletic future. The pending realities settled in, as did the arrogance. Our private dates quickly turned to parties. Our stolen kisses, to handshakes with reporters.

I'd followed him around to the different games and meetings so many times that my own grades were starting to fall, and I didn't want to take any chances of ruining my scholarships, so I started backing away from the parties. With each missed party, it grew increasingly obvious that Dan wasn't missing my absence.

I thought back to the night our relationship took its fatal blow...

Our two-year anniversary was coming up and I'd planned to surprise him with a candlelit dinner at his campus apartment. He was supposed to be away for the day at practice, but that definitely wasn't the case. When I used my key to open his apartment, his naked ass was pounding some girl over the back of his leather couch.

That was the day I decided to take myself away on an extended vacation. Away from Dan, the drama of being his forgettable plus one, and the sympathetic looks from everyone that had quickly caught wind of the infidelity, thanks to the social media of the blonde bimbo. And if there was one thing worse than self-pity, it was the pity of others. Like you were going to crumble at the mere mention of his name.

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