Chapter Twenty Two

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“I have something to say

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“I have something to say.”

“I’m sorry, but you’re going to need to wait outside, Sir. This is a closed meeting,” Mr. Hawkings said.

I fell back down in my seat when I saw Dan standing there.

“I think there’s some sort of weak link in your security system here, Fred,” Mr. Sparks said, picking up his briefcase.

“I know that what Kendall is being accused of never happened.”

My eyes widened as I looked over at Kyle, whose vacant stare was hard to interpret.

“And you are?” Mr. Sparks asked.

“My name is Dan Franklin. And I had a conversation with Molly.”

Mr. Sparks nodded. “Okay, and does this have any relevancy to the accusations against Kendall Clark?”

“It does.”

Mr. Sparks looked over at the rest of the board. “I think we should at least hear this. We owe it to both sides of this.”

After a small delay as the board decided, they approved to hear Dan.

“I came to the school one day to talk to Kendall, but was approached by a teacher, who I found out to be Molly Brigham. She asked me if I needed help finding a room.”

I peeked over at Kyle, who was looking down at the table. His hands were balled into a fist on the table.

Dan continued, “Once she realized who I was there to see, she had me follow her to her classroom where this woman told me that she believed that Kendall was trying to seduce a teacher that she was starting to become serious with.”

My mouth dropped open, and I was about to say something, but apparently Albert was good at reading body language because he stopped me. When I looked over at him, he subtly shook his head.

“Long story short, she mentioned a plan to get Kendall kicked out her internship and that would help to get her away from the other teacher.”

“And what was this plan?” Mr. Hawkings asked, looking incredibly inconvenienced by this turn of events.

“Exactly what is happening right now. To say that Kendall threatened her if she didn’t leave this man alone.” Dan was pointing at Kyle.

“Which man?” Albert spoke up after remaining quiet during Dan’s confession.

“That man over there, Kyle Stratman,” Dan said.

“You mean Kyle Stephens?” Mr. Sparks asked, and Dan nodded.

“Yeah, that’s it...Sorry, man. Not good at names, but that’s it.”

“So, you’re saying that Molly Brigham contrived a plan to accuse Kendall Clark of this allegation, in order to paint Miss Clark in a negative manner, which would cause the results which have just been detailed during this meeting?” Albert inquired, while writing something down on his paper.

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