Chapter Twenty

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My heart was racing as I made my way back out to his car

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My heart was racing as I made my way back out to his car. And the look on his face told me that it wasn’t going to be good. Over the past few days, my mind had wandered from scenario to scenario on what lie Molly was going to tell.

“Yes, sir. I understand and we will be at the school corporation office shortly,” I heard Kyle say as I opened the passenger door to sit down. He immediately took my hand and squeezed it.

He hit a button on his steering wheel to end the call and blew out a long breath.

“Do I even wanna know how bad it is?” I asked hesitantly.

“It’s bad, but she didn’t say what Dan told you she was going to say.”

“What is it?”

“Fred didn’t give me all the details, but it was along the lines that you threatened her to stay away from me, or else you’d have something happen to her. And your dad could make her just go away, because he knew people,” Kyle said, using air quotes around the last part.

“Oh my god, what the hell?” I felt like throwing up. Molly was unhinged and I was floored at the accusation. She was out of control and I could only fathom what that meant for my career.

“Fred wants us to meet at the school corporation in an hour. He said there’s already a few news anchors trying to call for the story.”

“I don’t understand what she’s doing this for. I haven’t done anything to her.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know what’s happening to her. She has never been like this before and I never led her on to think there was something between us. You have to know that.”

I reached over to pull his face closer to mine. “Hey, don’t let her get in your head. She’s mentally unstable, Kyle. I’m more worried for the students in her class. Because whatever she’s trying to do to us, it isn’t going to work. I believe that we’re stronger than the tallest lies she’ll spout.”

He smiled and I saw his shoulders fall, looking less rigid. “We are that strong, and I know there’s  not a shred of truth into what she’s saying, but as far as the board,  they have to take this seriously.”

“So what do they plan to do? What about my internship?”

“That’s what we have to go discuss.”

I was confused. “Why do you have to go? Did she also say something about you?”

“I’m not sure of everything she said. He didn’t even want to tell me what he did over the phone. I guess we’ll find out when we get there.”

I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. “This is such a horrible nightmare.”

“I’m so damn sorry that you’re having to deal with all of this. If I knew that she could do something like this, I would’ve—”

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