Chapter Seventeen

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"Hi..." I said, forcing a smile.

"Hello there..." he said with the same level of uneasiness.

The uncertainty of the day filled the room with unspoken words and a thunderous silence. I didn't know what would happen today, but by the look on Kyle's face, it wasn't going to be good.

"Do I even wanna know how your meeting went?" I asked hesitantly.

He shrugged. "It was basically what I was expecting. Mr. Hawkings wasn't happy to hear about our relationship and, just like Dan told you, Molly plans to talk with the board this afternoon. We will know tomorrow what all that means for us."

I couldn't help but feel defeated. Not because we didn't stand a chance as a couple, but because the lies of one woman could affect his career. Even without a shred of truth, there'd always be a lingering doubt in some minds if there was any validity in the accusation.

"Kyle, I'm so sorry for all this," I started to apologize.

He started walking toward me but stopped midway. "You have nothing to apologize for, Kendall. You've done nothing wrong. We've done nothing wrong." He continued. "This is all on Molly. And I can't for the life of me, figure out why she would want to make such an accusation. It's not like she and I ever had anything romantic."

"I wish I could talk to her and figure out exactly why she is doing it. Maybe I did something without realizing it or something? I've been trying to play every moment I've ever spend with her in my mind and I keep coming up with nothing."

"Same here," he agreed. "But let's not talk about her anymore. As far as I'm concerned, right now, she's the last person I want to think about. We'll find out exactly what she tells them tomorrow."

He smiled at me and I swear it melted away some of the worry away.

"I like the idea of just thinking of us," I said. "And I'll do my best to try and concentrate on the lectures today."

"It'll all be fine, Kendall. But I do have to tell you that after today, you'll have a new classroom to teach, and a new mentor. We discussed it at the meeting, and given our relationship, we thought it was best to give you a new room."

In all honesty, I'd thought about that a couple of times and wondered if maybe we would've decided to do that in the beginning, we could've stopped this drama before it started.

"I guess that's probably a good idea, given all that Molly has stirred up. I'm kind of surprised that I haven't been called by the university yet. But I'm sure after that witch makes her statement, I will be."

"Why don't you come over to my house tonight?" he asked, changing the subject, thankfully. "We can have a nice quiet dinner with our phones turned off. And it'll give us a chance to just be a normal couple without a crazy woman running around trying to ruin it."

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