Chapter Eleven

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    I had to thank my Aunt Sylvia for the quick dinner plans

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    I had to thank my Aunt Sylvia for the quick dinner plans. She owned a restaurant on the edge of town and I knew she'd be my best chance to get something prepared quickly, other than my signature peanut butter and jelly. And since Kendall had agreed to dinner, there was no way I planned to mess this up.

    That was, until I realized a little too late just how hard it was to eat spaghetti on a blanket, sitting on grass with the winds that were coming off the lake blowing everything around us. But Kendall didn't seem to mind. She started eating her spaghetti effortlessly. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail without hesitation and dug into the pile of noodles on her plate.

    "This is heavenly," she complimented. "How did you get this ready in such a short amount of time?"

    I smiled, "I wish I could say that I whipped this up, but I can't take credit for my Aunt Sylvia's talent. She has an Italian restaurant called The Garden. It's right off—"

    "Harding Road?" Kendall said, finishing my sentence. I nodded. "That's one of my favorites places to eat with my dad when he comes back in town from his business trips. I thought this tasted familiar."

"I hope it's okay, and I'm really sorry that I didn't think things through when I picked something so messy. I just wanted things to be perfect."

She smiled. "With this view and the company, I think it's easily forgotten that I'll probably be wearing some of this on my white t-shirt by the end of the evening."

"I'll think things through next time."

Shit...I said it and I couldn't take it back now. I just hoped that sentence didn't scare her off. It was way too soon to hope that she'd be interested in another date with me.

"Maybe I'll plan next time," she said, causing my shoulders to relax a bit. Her gaze lingered a little longer on me, and everything in me wanted to lean in and kiss those lips. But this was all new territory for me. And for her. I'd never dated someone from the school, especially a college student. And I was fairly certain she'd never dated someone in a position such as mine. Or I assumed she hadn't... There was so much about her that I didn't know yet, but couldn't wait to learn.

"So does that mean that you're okay with all this?" I asked, nervously, opening the discussion that I knew we needed to have. Because I really liked her and I wanted to make sure she was completely comfortable with this. With us.

    She wasn't saying anything and for a minute, I was holding my breath. She looked over at that lake.

    "Kendall, are you okay?" I asked, begging for any sort of relief from the stress.

    "Yeah, sorry. I'm just thinking of the best way to word this."

    "I understand. Take your time. This is all new territory for me as well."

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