Chapter Sixteen

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The drive to work was much quicker than normal

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The drive to work was much quicker than normal. Leaving an hour earlier than normal made the traffic lighter, w hich was the only positive thing to this potentially catastrophic morning.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Kendall could be going through in her mind. Our relationship was extremely new and I was afraid she'd want to slam the brakes on us for fear of messing up our respective careers.

She was an selfless person, and I wouldn't be a damn bit surprised if she put everyone else above her own needs and wants. But I'd be damned if I was going to allow Molly to hinder anything. Professionally or personally.

It was time to put a fucking end to this.

Superintendent Sparks was walking into the building at the same time as I was pulling into the parking lot. He waved as I drove by.

I hurried out of my car once I realized he was waiting for me at the door. He extended his hand when I reached where he was standing.

"Good morning, Kyle," he said with a courteous smile and head nod.

"Good morning, sir."

I was suddenly at a loss for words. My family had known Henry Sparks for a long time - mainly my father had. And the silence we shared as we entered the building scared the hell out of me. I knew this wasn't a situation that could get swept under the rug, nor did I want it to. But I also new that the legs on which the accusations stood were based on blatant lies.

Lies out of spite and jealousy from the vindictive woman that I'd learned Molly Brigham had become.

"We can handle this in the media room, if that's okay with you?" he asked, breaking the silence. "Fred Hawkings and Marianne Bell will also be joining us to keep things professionally and legal. The last thing I'd want is for something important to be dismissed because of a legal hiccup."

"Yeah, that's fine with me," I answered. "Although I wish it wasn't necessary at all."

He nodded. "Given the nature, I can understand that."

As we entered the media room, I felt a buzz in my pocked from my phone. There was no doubt who was messaging me, and I couldn't help but smile as I pulled the phone out and looked at the text from Kendall:

I can't stop thinking about you and can't wait to see you soon. No matter what happens, it won't change the way I'm feeling about you...about us.

Seeing that text was what I needed to give me the extra boost I needed to get through this meeting.

"Good morning, Henry," Marianne Bell said, sitting her purse down on the long table by the front door. "How are you?"

Marianne was a veteran teacher with many years under her belt. She was my mentor during my internship, and if I remembered correctly, she was also Molly's mentor when she had her rotation as well.

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