Chapter Twenty Eight

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My breathing hitched in my throat as I saw Kendall walking down the hall

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My breathing hitched in my throat as I saw Kendall walking down the hall. She looked beautiful, but tired. Her ponytail hung low on her head with her hair hanging across her shoulder.

When the distance between us closed, we both came to a stop. And it took everything in me to not pull her in my arms and let her know that everything that I’d felt for her had never left. And that I was in my own damn head, wishing that I could fix everything for her. Wishing that our relationship hadn’t affected her career like it had.

“Hi, Kendall,” I whispered, somehow managing the words.

She smiled sweetly, “Hi.”

I searched for the right words to start a conversation with her, but how did I tell her that I was an idiot? That I’d only gave her the distance I thought she deserved, so hopefully, the media nightmare could fade away? That she should have a chance to experience her internship, as she came here to do?

Even though I’d fallen in love with Kendall Clark, I never wanted to hurt her. And this huge fucking wedge that had been driven between us caused mixed emotions on what the hell I needed to do.

I noticed she was wearing her badge again, which caused a huge pressure on my shoulders to slightly lighten.

“I’m guessing that means you’ve been cleared?”

She nodded, taking the laminated picture in her hands and pulling up on it. “Yeah, Mr. Sparks informed me that they had detailed proof that Molly had been lying.”

I nodded, so fucking relieved to hear that they reinstated her as quickly as they did. Having to work alongside her ex was anything but enjoyable, but I’d do it all over again to help her. I’d even give up my own position to save hers.

“I’m glad to hear that.”

I couldn’t help but look in those blue eyes of hers. She was so damn beautiful and it was killing me to keep my distance. The more I stayed away, the more I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do or not. I didn’t want to lose her, but I’d felt toxic to her education. She’d had nothing but trouble from day one, and I felt like it was my fault.

I’d never firmly put my foot down with Molly, letting her know that there would be nothing between us. And I should have a long damn time ago.


“Kyle,” she spoke at the same time.

I smiled, “You go first.”

“Kyle, what’s happening between us?”

The sweet smile she’d had on was now replaced with one of worry. And it was fucking killing me.

“What do you want from me? Is there even an us anymore? You just left and I haven’t heard from you.”

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