Chapter Four

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    I'd probably gone through at least ten different outfits, hoping that one would stand out as the perfect "first day" choice

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    I'd probably gone through at least ten different outfits, hoping that one would stand out as the perfect "first day" choice. It felt like my first day of freshman year all over again. And if I was honest with myself, I wasn't sure if it was the nerves of the first day or the tiny hint of wanting to impress Mr. Stephens, professionally, of course.

"Oh, come on already, Kendall," I said to myself. "Just pick a damn outfit already."

My roommate came sneaking in my room.  "Robby, get over here. I'm spiraling."

He laughed and started pulling at the pale pink dress I had on. "That's obvious. But the one you have on really is perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. It's professional, sophisticated, with a little bit of sexy. You look great."

"Really?" I pleaded for utter honesty.

He leaned over to me and kissed the tip of my nose.  "Really," he offered. "You're gonna be great. Just make sure to keep those drooling high school boys at arm's length."  He pulled me into his arms and cuddled me against his chest.

"You know, you could just marry me and take me off the market. Then there wouldn't be any worries."

He gasped. "Shit, why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah, because you have the wrong equipment in your trunk." Robby made himself comfortable on my bed, leaning against my pillows and placing his hands behind his head.

"Can't you just make an exception? You know everything about me. It'd be so easy," I continued to plead.

Robby and I had met freshman year of college and quickly became best friends. He was with me through all my bad times as well as the good ones and was the true definition of a best friend. So when I told him about the hunky teacher, as well as his cute brother, I'd be working alongside, he needed to see photo proof. Within seconds, he was threatening to make a move if I didn't.

"Come on, let's get your briefcase ready, Miss Clark. I've got coffee and waffles waiting for you."

I fell back against his hip on the bed and groaned loudly.  "You're sweet, but I don't think I can eat a bite. I'm way too damn nervous."

He grabbed my briefcase from the bed and hip-checked me off him.  "You're gonna eat something, even if it's only a few bites," he demanded. "You'll need your stamina to focus all day, plus to keep up with that hottie." He tapped his chin. "Ya know, I really don't mind to tag along today if you need the moral support. I mean, I am a nice guy like that."

I giggled. "Thanks, I think I better handle this all on my own, but if I give you the bat signal, have the ice cream and fuzzy blanket ready."

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